Is Ukraine Sending Men With Down’s Syndrome To the Front Lines? – IOTW Report

Is Ukraine Sending Men With Down’s Syndrome To the Front Lines?

11 Comments on Is Ukraine Sending Men With Down’s Syndrome To the Front Lines?

  1. The US Military Forces are recruiting the mentall ill.
    Homosexuals, Transvestites, women who claim to be men, Men who claim to be women and both sexes after transition to another sex. Reduced physical and mental standards.

    But why bring it up, they aren’t DOWN’S SYNDROME, I think.

  2. “We put someone retarded in the White House”. You sure did, Donald Jackas tRump is as retarded as they come. Thats why his saying is “He loves the uneducated” folks with similar minds, think alike. What do they do, parrot each other, back & forth. Thats how they communicate. Polly want a cracker?

  3. This is intentional. The big Z is trying to kill off all the actual Ukrainians to make way for the (J)ews when they exodus from Israel due to all the mean middle eastern people

  4. @Anon

    Good try Anonymouth, but you knocked yourself out.

    Evidence of Trump’s 5th grade education would have been a good answer. You know, from like a school or something, not from your fever brain.

    You could have been a contendah, but look at you, you’re just a bum.


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