Is Your Town One of the Worst For Mosquitoes? – IOTW Report

Is Your Town One of the Worst For Mosquitoes?

1. Atlanta
2. Chicago
3. Washington, D.C.
4. Detroit
5. New York
6. Dallas-Ft. Worth
7. Nashville, Tenn.
8. Charlotte, N.C.
9. Raleigh-Durham, N.C.
10. Boston
11. Memphis, Tenn.
12. Houston
13. Miami-Ft. Lauderdale, Fla.
14. Norfolk-Portsmouth-Newport News, Va.
15. Grand Rapids-Kalamazoo-Battle Creek, Mich.
16. Greenville-Spartanburg, S.C. and Asheville, N.C.
17. Albany, Schenectady, Troy, N.Y.
18. Cleveland, Akron, Canton, Ohio
19. Minneapolis-St. Paul, Minn.
20. Phoenix


14 Comments on Is Your Town One of the Worst For Mosquitoes?

  1. Some of the worst swarms that had me a cussin’ were on the north Platte river in Wyoming. Damn, it was hard to get to sleep!
    They’re pretty bad in Arkansas in the summer, but they are much more noticeable when you are camping out. Smokey fires do have a use.

  2. “The top 20 rankings are based on the number of customers that bought mosquito control services from the company in 2015”

    Which explains why there’s several cold-weather cities listed here, and even Phoenix, AZ…but not a single place in Louisiana. Even though southern LA is essentially one giant swamp, and has the worst mosquitos in the country.

    I lived there for 20 years. No one uses Orkin.

  3. Illustr8r….I was driving out of Alaska, just north of Anchorage around dusk….got out to relieve myself and literally peed during a full circular trot…big bastards, in your nose and ears like an “Off “commercial…

  4. Illustr8r – I read an old account of early explorers in Alaska that left their horses tied outside during the night and the mosquitoes had sucked enough blood out of them that they were dead the next morning.

    I tried finding it online but this one from Texas came up about mosquitoes killing cows (I guess even the mosquitoes in Texas are bigger):,3093016&hl=en

  5. New Orleans! After all, it’s still a swamp, and its elevation is below sea level; therefore, every drop of rain that falls on N’Awlins must be pumped out ! Talk about a perfect haven for mosquitos !

  6. Worse? What bias in the question! As if mosquitoes are always a bad thing.

    Depends on the perspective.

    I think the mosquitoes in Dallas are great!

    Mosquito spray sales were up last year and it never stopped this Winter. This year is fast out of the gates already. I built two new spray rigs in anticipation.

    In fact, I think the mosquitoes are f**kin’ fantastic in Dallas.

  7. Reply to Please My dad was stationed on Midway Island during the last year of WWII. The sand fleas were so bad the Marines could barely breath. One day a flight of B-17 spray planes flew over the entire island and laid down a fog of DDT. The men were told to stay in their tents for 24 hours. When they came out, every other living thing on the island was dead besides the Marines. Birds, fish, bugs, rats and especially the fleas were all dead, but the Marines could do their job. DDT is actually one of the safest insecticides ever made as it biodegrades completely without lasting negative effects. By banning DDT, Rachel Carlson doomed millions to death.

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