ISIS burns fighters alive for letting Ramadi fall – IOTW Report

ISIS burns fighters alive for letting Ramadi fall

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ISIS fighters who fled to the terror group’s Iraqi stronghold of Mosul after being defeated in Ramadi were burned alive in the town square, sources told, in an unmistakable message to fighters who may soon be defending the northern city from government forces.

Several residents of Mosul recounted the grisly story for stateside relatives, describing the deadly reception black clad jihadists got when they made it to Mosul, some 250 miles north of the city retaken by Iraqi forces operating with cover from U.S. air power.


16 Comments on ISIS burns fighters alive for letting Ramadi fall

  1. Die holding your ground or be burned alive for retreating. Nice to know there is a down side for taking advantage of religiously inspired sexual slavery.

    Lovely. Just lovely.

  2. Reportedly, the Mosul Roast, went something like this:

    “Okay, boys, welcome to Mosul. We like to call Mosul the “can do city” of the eternal caliphate! Anyway… we know you all tried super, super, super hard to hold Ramadi, but sometimes… well… you know how it goes. Perhaps our mission statement didn’t sufficiently inspire you, or maybe it was the lack of proper front-line nurturing. But whatever it was, we have a nice participation trophy for you all.

    “Look. Your trophies are right down there in the town square. To make it fun – and Allah knows we can never have enough lulz out here – we have hidden them amongst those gasoline cans rigged with Thermite grenades. First one to find the trophy signed by the Ayatollah al Jizzinya, wins a new Toyota pick-up and two female slaves.

    “Okay… no pushing… on your mark, get set… GO!”

  3. “He who fights and runs away,
    lives to fight another day.”

    It’s not:

    “He who fights and runs away,
    is burned to death another day.”

    Hello? Hello, stupid fucking ragheads?

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