ISIS capital falls to U.S.-backed Syrian Democratic Forces – IOTW Report

ISIS capital falls to U.S.-backed Syrian Democratic Forces

Doing what Obama couldn’t (wouldn’t?) within a year of his presidency. Well done, PDJT.


U.S.-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) claim to have full control over the Islamic State’s capital of Raqqa, according to a Tuesday statement.

The U.S.-led, anti-ISIS coalition Operation Inherent Resolve hasn’t made the same claim, saying approximately 90 percent of the city was under SDF control.

“The military operations in Raqqa have finished, but there are clearing operations now under way to uncover any sleeper cells there might be and remove mines,” SDF spokesman Talal Sello told BBC News, adding to AFP, “Everything is finished in Raqqa, our forces have taken full control of Raqqa.”


9 Comments on ISIS capital falls to U.S.-backed Syrian Democratic Forces

  1. The reason that this isn’t all over the news instead of the Weinstein garbage is because our America hating left wing media loves America hating left wing ex-President Obola, and hates to cover anything positive about America loving President Donald Trump.

  2. Donald Trump doing in less than one year what the Taqiyah Sunrise-Drinking, Purple-Lipped, Jug-Eared, Jihadi-Loving, Deserter-Honoring, Momjeans-Wearing, Peace-Prize Stealing, Shame Gland Missing, Lying, Denying, America-Hating, Communist-Organizing, Wire-Tapping, Eavesdropping, Benghazi Bullshitting, Marxist, Muzlim Mallard (disguised as a Black man) couldn’t do and wouldn’t do in eight… even with diminished forces!!

  3. Golly! It’s so surprising what can be done with a real Commander-in-Chief who has an actual strategy, a real Secy of Defense (and Deputies) who communicate the plan and turn the field generals loose to do the job. Just amazing!


  4. Commander-in-Chief Was just another title for Barry. He had no idea, no conception, no grasp of reality of what it really was. now we have a real commander-in-chief, just look at the difference! BARRY THE BUFFOON!

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