ISIS Operative Arrested in Harrisburg, PA – IOTW Report

ISIS Operative Arrested in Harrisburg, PA

ht/ boo 2


5 Comments on ISIS Operative Arrested in Harrisburg, PA

  1. Ok. Finally got it to play and took notes. This too too brief 1 minute “story” is the biggest load of fake scary BS. Allow me to fisk the main/high points.

    Charged with “supporting ISIS”. How? Speech? That’s still allowed, as far as I know, and not a chargeable offense. And if the door is opened for someone to be charged with supporting a terrorist organization through propaganda, then how far will THAT definition stretch, to charge you or I in our advocating for smaller government? Or- on an equally silly basis, why aren’t DemonRats and Libtards charged with supporting a terrorist organization (the DemonRatic Party) with their speech – and even money?
    Now if he supported ISIS with money, now THAT’S a different story.

    He had a “tactical backpack”. W-T-F is THAT? To me, a tactical backpack is what I used to wear while on Active Duty, tromping around the countryside.

    He had “military grade ammunition”. Again, W-T-F? I didn’t know there was a difference between military grade ammunition, and NON-military grade ammunition. Define the difference (if you can). (I wonder if he had .22LR?)

    “High capacity magazines”. Another big bad scary boogie man. Ain’t no such critter. ALL magazines are “standard capacity”, just built to hold different amounts of that equally scary “military grade” ammunition.

    A “modified” kitchen knife. What, was it sharpened?

    He had “57 Twitter handles”. Again, another “so what”? If he can keep track of that many Tweet accounts, more power to him.

    In conclusion, this entire story reads like a fairy story, full of sound and fury and meaningless scary buzzwords, meant to scare the sheeple little children into compliance with the All Protective Nanny State Gooberment.

  2. Mock an over abundance of caution all you want, but if a pair of muzzie assholes manage to hit a big soft target here in the US, there won’t be a muzzie in America that will be safe to show their face on the street.

    One more hit and you can pretty well bet the farm that Donald Trump will be the first American President since 2009…

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