ISIS Profits From Regime of Rape, Slavery – IOTW Report

ISIS Profits From Regime of Rape, Slavery

 Yazidi sisters, who escaped from captivity by Islamic State (IS) militants, sit in a tent at Sharya refugee camp on the outskirts of Duhok province July 3, 2015.
Yazidi sisters, who escaped from captivity by Islamic State (IS) militants, sit in a tent at Sharya refugee camp on the outskirts of Duhok province July 3, 2015.


Thousands of women and girls have been brutally raped, beaten, and sold as slaves by the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS).

Many of these are girls are Yazidis – from a small religious minority that practices the ancient religion Yazidism.

In August 2014, the Yazidis were driven onto Mount Sinjar, and overtaken by ISIS.

Many of the men and older boys were shot, while women were systematically collectivized and transported to surrounding areas and later sold as sex slaves.

Because these girls don’t practice Islam, rape is justified and encouraged by ISIS’ extremist version of Islam. ISIScites certain portions of the hadith to defend its use and sale of sex slaves.

As women who have escaped begin to tell their horrifying stories, ISIS is being revealed for the unbelievably brutal terrorist group that it is.



h/t Craig

4 Comments on ISIS Profits From Regime of Rape, Slavery

  1. ISIS is emasculating countries as one of their goals. They kill all the men and brutalize the women. They figure there will eventually be no one left to even try to fight them.

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