ISIS Tuning Up Their Next Terror Torture Device? – IOTW Report

ISIS Tuning Up Their Next Terror Torture Device?

Funny vid.

Maybe this is how we should deport savages back to their shitholes-

18 Comments on ISIS Tuning Up Their Next Terror Torture Device?

  1. please tell me why, other than the gutless politicians and reigning brass in the pentagon, why we are still fighting wars in iraq and afghanistan after 16 years?
    are we not the mightiest military in the world?
    and how come we never have terrorist bombings of our political leaders only the unprotected citizens?
    wouldn’t it be more terroristic if they started taking out the politicians who are protected?

    we are being suckered big time by the nwo and their continuous wars in foriegn lands.

  2. @bill:

    are we not the mightiest military in the world?

    Yes, but…Might is certainly very important but even more important is not being stupid and not being evil. Those who direct the US military, both from within and from without, fail on that count.

  3. Yeah, Thumbs down on cutting away too soon.

    I can’t tell if he went left or over/under on distance.

    Think we can get them to try again, but this time keep the camera on target? This is important stuff. We gotta know.

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