ISIS widow from Indiana whose son appeared in jihad propaganda videos defends buying Yazidi sex slaves – IOTW Report

ISIS widow from Indiana whose son appeared in jihad propaganda videos defends buying Yazidi sex slaves

Geller Report- On Monday, the Geller Report brought you the story of Sam El Hassani, the Muslima from Indiana who went to Syria with her ISIS husband and did nothing when he bought two Yazidi sex slaves and raped them repeatedly in their home. In Monday’s post, I wrote: “The Muslims, according to their scripture (the scripture leftwing elites demand we respect) are entitled to this. Sex slavery is sanctioned under Islam. At the risk of repeating myself for the umpteenth time, sex slavery and rape of the infidel is sanctioned and rewarded under Islam. Muslim clerics all over the world confirm the right to have sex slaves. It is in the Qur’an — the word of Allah. Politicians and courts of law keep turning a blind eye, law enforcement keeps ignoring it, so this pox on our communities will continue to get worse.”

No doubt there are many who believe that such statements are false and “islamophobic.” But now Sam El Hassani herself has confirmed that they are true. She has refused to condemn and has even made excuses for her husband’s purchase and rape of these sex slaves. She claims they were treated better in her home than they would have been elsewhere — but notice that she never says anything about having made any effort to free them.  She knows that what her husband did was completely Islamic. And she doesn’t want to be “islamophobic” herself by saying it was wrong.  more

10 Comments on ISIS widow from Indiana whose son appeared in jihad propaganda videos defends buying Yazidi sex slaves

  1. Handsome boy she’s got there.
    No reason he shouldn’t be sold in the slave market of Somalia to an illiterate grown man who stutters. And harbors every known venereal disease. Allahu Bitch Karma!

  2. “when he bought two Yazidi sex slaves and raped them repeatedly”

    now you know why having lots of muslims in this country is looked upon as good thing by the liberals, they want their sex slaves too.

    hillary, bill, weinstein, brokaw ….

  3. The jug eared tyrant and like minded subversives have left this country crawling with vermin like this and they labor away trying to convince the public that these animals are something other than what they clearly are. What a mess.

  4. Do not allow her back here. Don’t make us sitting targets for when her sons become radicalized and decide to avenge their father’s death at the hands of the infidels. Which she would also refuse to condemn.

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