Islam being besmirched by sex slave masters who don’t do it right – IOTW Report

Islam being besmirched by sex slave masters who don’t do it right

PJ Media:

Suad Saleh, a female professor of doctrine at Al Azhar University, correctly defines the Arabic phrase melk al-yamin — “right hand possession” (see Koran 4:3):

[Non-Muslim] female prisoners of wars are “those whom you own.” In order to humiliate them, they become the property of the [Muslim] army commander, or of a Muslim, and he can have sex with them just like he has sex with his wives.

Ms. Saleh’s comments are not new or unique. Countless Muslims — beginning with Muhammad himself — have confirmed that Islam permits the sexual enslavement of non-Muslim women seized during the jihad.

Saleh cannot even take the “honor” of being the first Muslim woman to support this inherently misogynistic creed.

Of interest here to the West is how the Al Azhar professor claims the Islamic institution of sex slavery is fair and just — it’s just that too many Muslims exploit it, to the detriment of Islam:

Some [Muslim] opportunists and extremists, who only harm Islam, say: “I will bring a woman from East Asia, as [as a sex slave] under the status of ‘right hand possessions.’ And with the consent of my wife, I will allocate this woman a room in the house, and will have sex with her as a slave girl.”

This is nonsense. This is not prescribed by Islam at all. Islam says that a woman is either a wife or a slave girlLegitimately owned slaves come from among prisoners from a war.


Ahhhhhhhhhhhh. I see. So we need to differentiate between the wife and the slave, and understand when a sex slave can be properly declared under Islamic law, lest the religion be besmirched.

Our mistake…

… you savage morons.

20 Comments on Islam being besmirched by sex slave masters who don’t do it right

  1. I’m sure that mohammadmen will find it very peaceful once they’ve either killed all the non-believers or enslaved them and so psychologically abused them that the become subservient and quiescent, and stop screaming and fighting to escape.

  2. How does one become a female professor, teaching the doctrine of slavery and sexual perversion.
    Oh, the false prophet exercised murder, slavery, pedophilia and perversion, so it is allowed.
    islam is evil and those who practice this cult are to be shunned and ridiculed for their actions.

  3. That fat, ugly mooslima with a mutilated cooch clearly hates women who have the God given ability to experience sexual pleasure. She wants them to be humiliated as sex slaves because her religion mandated that she be held down and have her clitoris sliced off with a rusty razor. Muslims are a toxic combination of mental illness, low IQ, and violent rage. They should be purged from the face of the earth.

  4. Since I have a wife, the question becomes “A (continental) East Asian melk al-yamin, or a Japanese comfort doll?”

    Which is answered by “Which one makes a better sammich?”

  5. So you actually have to risk your life in combat to get a slave girl? Then how come they are being auctioned off to REMFs? This old broad better get in touch with ISIS and explain things better.

  6. Crazy old bat ought to have been asked whether ISIS represents the correct Muslim interpretation of spreading the work of Mohammed the molester and in the treatment of females captured in battle? And if her daughters or grand-daughters should be treated the same way if captured by a group of muslims in battle.

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