Islam Is In Everyone’s Backyard Thanks To Our Muslim Sympathizer President – IOTW Report

Islam Is In Everyone’s Backyard Thanks To Our Muslim Sympathizer President

The Madeens were in my backyard. Now this—> I won’t out this reader, they can step forward if they want to. “They” have been e-mailing for the past year telling me about Muslim refugees being sent to “their” backyard.

No need to panic. No need for Islamophobia. Everything will be alr….. ahh sh!t.

Fox – SWAT team kills suspect who took hostages at Amarillo, Texas Walmart, investigators say

Never fear, though. Authorities have called this “workplace violence,” just like Fort Hood. Just like when Colleen Hufford was beheaded in Oklahoma.


Fox- Police said they were looking for a Somali man wearing khaki pants, KFDA added. Officers reportedly were evacuating shoppers from the west side of the store in the Texas Panhandle.

Jeff Nunn, the president of a nearby bank, told the Amarillo Globe-News that helicopters and roughly 20 police and emergency vehicles rushed to the store. His bank and a day care center reportedly went on lockdown.

Police closed nearby streets off I-27. “Please avoid the area so that officers can focus on the scene and not traffic,” the Amarillo Police Dept. said in a statement.


No word on whether this was a Muslim or not, but Vegas just set the odds at 4,000,000 to 1.

20 Comments on Islam Is In Everyone’s Backyard Thanks To Our Muslim Sympathizer President

  1. How many times do I have to hear, “this is not who we are.”?

    Clearly, this is who we are. We are a society with open borders who welcomes all walks of life without scrutiny. White male crackers who have been outcast, who stray away from public scenes for a reason. The police who are militarized for a reason. A public bathroom that isn’t safe for level headed women who stray away. Domestic terrorism to those who oppose political beliefs. Don’t forget our economy that remains in shambles while money prints and fingers point. This is who we are.

  2. OD, I’ve been looking for the welcome sign for some time. They even call them community centers. But the only non-Muslim I’ve ever seen on their properties have been Mexicans cutting grass.

  3. @ Ohio Dan
    If you are going to walk your white Christen ass into a mosque, you better be packing or at least look for one with a “gun-free zone” sign. Good luck!!!

  4. No f*cking way is Hillary going to say “Islamic Terrorism” two days in a row. The MSM will stall for her and avoid her presence today while she drinks in the bunker.

  5. When can we drop the “sympathizer” from the phrase “muslim sympathizer president”? Obama today showed the American people the hate filled, dead eyes that the Orlando killer and San Bernadino killers showed.
    He is an antiamerican Muslim thug of the same ilk.
    Fuck every one of you who voted for him. Twice.
    You are getting what you deserve. The sane people of this country are merely trying to survive what you’ve done to us.

  6. Yeah, go ahead and give me several thumbs down, flame me for typing this, call me an insensitive prick.. But,I’m sitting here thinking.. This whole thing is about 3 groups of mentally ill people. The Muslim Isis jerk-off, the mentally ill fudge-packers and let’s not forget the carpet munchers.. So, be honest here.. would the reaction be the same if the night club was for straight people? ( Probably not ) The other thing I observed.. most of the victims were of Hispanic decent.. wonder how many attending that night were illegal aliens?
    Maybe I’m just cold-hearted.. But, if roles were reversed.. this wouldn’t have the same coverage or support.. right or wrong ?!?!

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