Islamic instructional video on how to properly beat your wife – IOTW Report

Islamic instructional video on how to properly beat your wife

24 Comments on Islamic instructional video on how to properly beat your wife

  1. My gaggle of friends found out, after a divorce that a friend had been abusing his now former wife. He ended up moving to the other side of the state and she and her new boyfriend, later husband took his place. We don’t put up with that stuff and she now knows that she has somewhere to turn to.

  2. A past co-worker had a niece who was beaten by her boyfriend. When my friend’s brother found out, he told her daughter that if he ever laid eyes on him again that he would shoot him and no one would ever find his body.

    He was the most mild, calm man I have ever met. She told me the story when I mentioned that he looked like a whimp (half joking). You just don’t mess with a guy’s daughter!

  3. If the woman saw her father beat her mother, chances are great that she will acquiesce to being beaten by her male keeper.

    In traditional American society more times than not, a woman will find a man who treats her like her father treated her mother. She may get out of such arrangements, then marry another wife beater. And the beat goes on ond on…..
    Until the woman gets her head straight.

    Acceptance of abuse is a learned thing.

  4. The video explaining how to train your goat to stand still, while ,,,well, you know, probably has equal or more views. Don’t they have a proverb – A wife is for children a goat is for pleasure.

  5. Mohammedama sez:

    Husband’s must be gentle when beating their wives. Never kick her in the front, for that is a sensitive place. One must kick her in her hindquarters, where the fatness of the behind will lesson the sting of the husbands kick. Do not worry about kicking too hard, for her hindquarters are of no consequence for the making of babies.

    When hitting your wife, do not use a iron object in your fist, which could cause irreparable damage. The sons of Allah are instructed to use a fist only. You want the wife to wake up the following morning to fix her master’s breakfast.

    It is Allah’s wish that if you have one, use a whip or a slim branch of a tree to punish the wife. Whip her hard on her back. It is best not to draw blood, which will make her reject your advances the next day. Although only useful for the making of new children, they must be kept alive and in good health for that purpose alone.


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