Islamic Mission To Mars???? – IOTW Report

Islamic Mission To Mars????

This sounds like an Onion story. It’s not. The UAE is heading to Mars with a rocket.


Last year, religious leaders in the UAE issued a fatwa forbidding Muslims from landing on Mars.

However, the robotic spaceship will not actually touch down on the Martian surface.

It will blast off aboard a Japanese rocket and then go into orbit around the planet.


The rocket is called Hope.

My guess it’s because they hope it crash lands into Israel.

Seriously, though. Hope is a terrible name. It’s borrowed from their greatest living Muslim proponent, Barack Hussein Obama.

Let’s rename it!!

Meccary 1

AppAllah 11

Flying Carpet

Aisha 7

42 Comments on Islamic Mission To Mars????

  1. Whoops. Turns out the story is fake.
    It was about Muslims doing what they normally do, launching rocks, not rockets.

    Some disgruntled progressive thought it was only fair to include Muslims in the 21st century and puffed up the story

    (Kidding. The story is real.)

  2. On the other hand it could just be a way to get enough technical information for them (or their buddies) to create a working ICBM. Unless the Japanese keep everything behind a big curtain and didn’t let anyone from the UAE closer then a checkbook I might be concerned.

  3. How unkind of you commenters. You do realize that they gave us the number “zero,” which made mathematics the exacting science that it is today.

    Since then they have given us uh, er, “zero.”

  4. “Last year, religious leaders in the UAE issued a fatwa forbidding Muslims from landing on Mars.”

    Said moham-moham-mohamed Mohamed(Nickname Crash) of the muslim group “Earth First!”

    Earth First is a grass-roots muslim group dedicated to screwing up what they already started screwing up before they go off to screwup something else.

    Their motto: “Earth First! We’ll Fook Up the Other Plantets Next!”

  5. Although the rocket will not be manned, engineers have already named the robot this spacecraft will carry around the earth over the USA a couple of times and then head to Mars. This nuclear-powered robot is expected to ensure that the muslim world becomes the technological equal of the USA, and is already named “EMP Deliverer 1”.

  6. Mars aint the kind of place to stone your bints
    In fact it’s cold as hell
    And there’s no rocks there TO-O stone them .. if you tried
    And all that science I dont understand
    I’m just a muzz five days a week

    Rock ima-a-am, Alla Hu Akbar
    Rock imam

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