Islamophobe If They Kill Him, Racist If They Don’t – IOTW Report

Islamophobe If They Kill Him, Racist If They Don’t

Faux-rican American Shaun King calls the police racist for not killing terrorist bomber Ahmad Khan Rahami when they attempted to detain him.   According to King, it proves the police are racist because they actually kill blacks, but didn’t kill this son of Allah.

Of course killing Rahami would have demonstrated (by King’s terms) that the police hate Muslims, thus making them islamophobic.



9 Comments on Islamophobe If They Kill Him, Racist If They Don’t

  1. The window was down and when he originally got to the side of his SUV he started to reach inside. It was on FOX this morning. I’m sure they’ll replay it. Regarding this entire Bull Shit with always accusing the cops, Play Stupid Games Win Stupid Prizes.

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