Isolated Thoughts [With Jeff Dunham] – IOTW Report

Isolated Thoughts [With Jeff Dunham]

Because of the COVID-19 quarantine, the guys are getting stir crazy and had a few thoughts about the current state of things.  But, a word to the wise… I would not consider them experts on COVID-19, nor would I follow any of their advice without consulting actual experts. Watch at your own risk!

6 Comments on Isolated Thoughts [With Jeff Dunham]

  1. I think this is a perfect Analogy of what’s going on with half of

    the Nation.

    The fog comes
    on little Bat feet?

    It sits looking
    over harbor and city
    on silent haunches
    and then moves on.

  2. I can’t remember the name of the purple one, but that’s how I view all these people hiding under their bed writing on Social Media that all of us assholes not staying hid under the bed want to kill Grandma.
    Or coming up with what they think are brilliant memes such as, “Guess who is open to do your hair and nails? The funeral home! If you want an appointment keep running around.”

    Or what they think are brilliant questions, “If you have a bowl of m&ms and three are poisoned are you willing to give them to your kids? Then why the hell are you leaving your house?”
    Their brilliant in their mind statements that will show how stupid we are, “If you want to open up then offer up two of your family members to die.”

    I will confess those people probably became panicked over the mail and packages because I told them they were going to get the rona while shut up in their house from the mail, grocery delivery, amazon packages and the pizza delivery guy. ‘Cause several of them who made these arguments with me started telling all of their friends to get their mail with a mask and gloves and put the mail in a plastic blag for 48 hours before opening it. To spray all of their packages and grocery deliveries and even the pizza box with disinfectant before touching it. Then all of their friends who are just as scared as them start commenting to them, “Oh god I never thought about that, now I’m really scared!”

  3. It’s possible Peanut (the purple one) is Joe Biden.

    Anyway, their advice is making as much sense as what we’re getting from the “experts”, and several state governors.


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