Israel declares its entire country is one big news organization, crippling Hamas’s efforts to destroy them – IOTW Report

Israel declares its entire country is one big news organization, crippling Hamas’s efforts to destroy them

SATIRE phuknutz.

But I think Netenyahu should make that announcement, and be the ultimate troll.


JERUSALEM (AP) — An Israeli airstrike on Saturday destroyed a high-rise building that housed The Associated Press office in the Gaza Strip, despite repeated urgent calls from the news agency to the military to halt the impending attack. AP called the strike “shocking and horrifying.”

Twelve AP staffers and freelancers were working and resting in the bureau on Saturday afternoon when the Israeli military telephoned a warning, giving occupants of the building one hour to evacuate. Everyone was able to get out, grabbing a few belongings, before three heavy missiles struck the 12-story building, collapsing it into a giant cloud of dust.

Although no one was hurt, the airstrike demolished an office that was like a second home for AP journalists and marked a new chapter in the already rocky relationship between the Israeli military and the international media. Press-freedom groups condemned the attack. They accused the military, which claimed the building housed Hamas military intelligence, of trying to censor coverage of Israel’s relentless offensive against Hamas militants.

Ahead of the demolition, the AP placed urgent calls to the Israeli military, foreign minister and prime minister’s office but were either ignored or told that there was nothing to be done.

For 15 years, the AP’s top-floor office and roof terrace were a prime location for covering Israel’s conflicts with Gaza’s Hamas rulers, including wars in 2009, 2012 and 2014. The news agency’s camera offered 24-hour live shots as militants’ rockets arched toward Israel and Israeli airstrikes hammered the city and its surrounding area this week.

“We are shocked and horrified that the Israeli military would target and destroy the building housing AP’s bureau and other news organizations in Gaza,” Gary Pruitt, the AP’s president and chief executive, said in a statement. “The world will know less about what is happening in Gaza because of what happened today.”

“This is an incredibly disturbing development. We narrowly avoided a terrible loss of life,” he said, adding that the AP was seeking information from the Israeli government and was in touch with the U.S. State Department.

Israel routinely cites a Hamas presence as a reason for targeting buildings. It also accused the group of using journalists as human shields.

Lt. Col. Jonathan Conricus, a military spokesman, refused to provide evidence backing up the army’s claims, saying it would compromise intelligence efforts. “I think it’s a legitimate request to see more information, and I will try to provide it,” he said.


They want proof that the AP office was working with Hamas?


Just read their articles.

ht/ Torey D

17 Comments on Israel declares its entire country is one big news organization, crippling Hamas’s efforts to destroy them

  1. Those no good bastards are damn fortunate that the IDF called ahead with a one hour warning. They might not have gotten that if some of us were calling the shots.

  2. I don’t know what all those news people are so upset about. The Israeli airstrikes were mostly peaceful, and as the news people taught me last year, property destruction really isn’t violence.

  3. I just leaned this this evening:

    My Jewish 2nd cousin (by marriage) posted yesterday that she sides with the Palestinians against Israel. I, the whole family, & her Last living Aunt are absolutely disgusted. She called Israel occupiers and oppressors.

    The next time I fucking see that kid I’m going to give her the Blast of a lifetime.

    I am Catholic (fuck You Frankie) and married a Jewish woman.
    I have sat, eaten and buried men and women with serial numbers on their wrists over the last 30 years.
    We buried this girls Grandmother, who paid for every stupid failure this punk ever asked funding for. ALL FAILED

    My aunt Barbara was a staunch Conservative. We often would sit next to each other, especially when we would go out for rare steaks & her favorite steak house. She would ask me once in a while, “How did my grand kids get so fucked up?” I’m the dirt bag of the family so i was privy to the REAL emotions.

    This kid just fucked herself with a family that welcomed everyone at their table. (Catholic, Muslim, Jew, Gay & of color)

    Obviously, the media campaign & universities fucked up this Krunt.

    Watch your kid friends.

  4. It is no surprise to anyone that the “News” Media has taken sides, especially over here in the US, so just file this under “Fucked Around and Found Out”!


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