Israeli Scientist Teach Goldfish to Drive a “Tank” – IOTW Report

Israeli Scientist Teach Goldfish to Drive a “Tank”


Everybody likes to give The Simpsons credit for predicting the future. But Futurama deserves some too. Case in point: A new experiment from researchers at Ben-Gurion University in Israel in which goldfish were tasked with “driving” a vehicle towards a visual target—on land. I.e., they operated version 1.0 of Wernstrom’s “Reverse Scuba Suit” invention. More

Everyone laughs, until you remind them of “Project Pigeon” in WWII. Here

11 Comments on Israeli Scientist Teach Goldfish to Drive a “Tank”

  1. Literally why R&D is so savagely underfunded everywhere.

    You have to keep these crazy bastards on a short lease or its 4 billion for literal fish tanks and monkey navigated solid gold rockets.

  2. Considering how jabby Israel has gotten, this is a good project because the IDF will be out of HUMANS healthy enough to drive their tanks, so they’re gonna NEED those fish trained up to cover for them…


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