Issa: Obama Essentially Tried To ‘Jury Tamper’ In Clinton Investigation – IOTW Report

Issa: Obama Essentially Tried To ‘Jury Tamper’ In Clinton Investigation


California Rep. Darrell Issa predicted Friday morning on Fox News that Donald Trump will reestablish the independence of the Department of Justice, saying that President Barack Obama was “constantly trying to essentially jury tamper” in the Hillary Clinton investigation.

Issa was reacting to Trump backing off a campaign promise to launch a new investigation into Clinton.

“I think it’s important that the president … get out of the business of prosecuting,” Issa said. “But at the same time, he’s appointed, or proposed appointing an attorney general who has a long record of doing his job.”


15 Comments on Issa: Obama Essentially Tried To ‘Jury Tamper’ In Clinton Investigation

  1. I agree. Hiring competent people to run the DOJ should warrant hands off. Let them do the job. We live in a constitutional republic, not an autocracy. Don’t act like Obama. We just got rid of him.

  2. As much as I’d like to see Hellery in jail, I agree it’s probably best to just back off. However keep an eye on the old hag and her withering husband, they’re likely to commit future crimes, bust them hard then!

  3. Now is NOT the time to back off, back down, reach across, compromise or seek “unity”. Now IS the time to act like we own for a change and take the country back. That STARTS with enforcing the law regardless of who is involved.

  4. If backing off buys us Sessions in DOJ and someone good on SCOTUS (you know, some good old fashioned horse trading), I could live with DJT pardoning Sir Edmund, Bubba, and the result of a do-it-yourself artificial insemination by a turkey baster in one fell swoop. I think it would also effectively eliminate the bubbly and vivacious Mrs. Mezvinsky from taking a shot at Congress.

  5. Now is NOT the time to back off, back down, reach across, compromise or seek “unity”. Now IS the time to act like we won for a change and take the country back. That STARTS with enforcing the law regardless of who is involved.

  6. I might be wrong as I’ve blocked the NYT because of the paywall, but from other sources I understand that President Elect Trump said to the Times that he didn’t have a lot of energy for prosecuting Clinton right now. My take on that is while the prosecution will not take place right away, it is still on the table.
    If you think about it it’s actually funnier that way, as Clinton and Obama need to watch their backs very closely for at least the next four years, in case they do something to make the energy return.
    Sorry if I’m mistaken.

  7. If Cankles steals the White House with this recount business which most definitely can be translated to mean stuff more ballots and flip more e machine votes before recounting, then Congress will be disbanded most likely and the Constitution trashed per Queen Cankles. She will destroy those who could remove her from her throne (which she thinks she deserves). Trump needs to get serious about this very real threat, and stop focusing only on his cabinet stuff. This is NOT a harmless threat to his election results! If they steal Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania, her total becomes 278 and the bitch wins it all. GET SERIOUS about this threat. Until December 20, with the Electors votes in the system, the Fat Lady hasn’t sung.

  8. Please bear in mind,
    President Elect Trump will not take the oath of office until next year.
    The ship of state is a sailing vessel, the destination is the same. Because of varying wind conditions, it needs to tack [change directions] to take advantage of wind direction and velocity.
    See what happens the last 10 days of January and Feb.

  9. an independent DOJ operates without the okey dokey of the president, as it should be.

    I dont get the impression that Sen Sessions is a live and let live kind of guy. I am counting on him putting the screws to whoever fked with our country.

  10. He doesn’t need to ‘go after’ Hilary.
    The Goods on her AND Ex-President Pouty-Pants is and will be surfacing.
    As far as Barry goes, shaming him as well as removing all evidence of his Presidency is punishment enough.
    Hilary, well I bet there is at least one tin pot African Dictator that forked over a pile of cash and now wants it back, and pronto, and has about eighty cousins itching to make a name for themselves

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