TheHill: GOP Rep. Darrell Issa, who said Wednesday he is not seeking reelection in California’s 49th District, has been discussing with colleagues the possibility of running in a neighboring San Diego district if embattled Rep. Duncan Hunter (R-Calif.) resigns, multiple sources told The Hill.
Some of these discussions happened as recently as Wednesday, the day Issa announced he would not be running for reelection in his coastal Southern California district after 17 years in the House.

Most of Washington took that to mean Issa, the former Oversight Committee chairman and Congress’s wealthiest member, was leaving Capitol Hill for good.
But in his statement, Issa never specifically said he was retiring from Congress.
“[W]ith the support of my family, I have decided that I will not seek re-election in California’s 49th District,” Issa said.
Later he added: “While my service to California’s 49th District will be coming to an end, I will continue advocating on behalf of the causes that are most important to me, advancing public policy where I believe I can make a true and lasting difference, and continuing the fight to make our incredible nation an even better place to call home.” read more
My 5 o’clock shadow can beat up your 5 o’clock shadow.
He should try for the Senate.
What has he actually DONE? He talks the talk, but I have yet to see him walk the walk. Where are the subpoenas, the papers, the arrests?
Darrell Issa was part of the first attempt at subourning the Natural Born Citizen Clause for Presidential candidates which would allow people like the kenyan usurper run for office. He was bought and paid for 8 years before the powers that be installed obama in the White House. Anyone that lives in his district should do their homework and spread the word.
L B Books…anyone can go on youtube and watch Obama say to a crowded room that he is from Kenya. What more does it take?
You got it right!
Come look it this: Congress’s wealthiest member is a “gimme a throne” carpet bagger.