“It ain’t the tool, fool. It’s the thirst.” – IOTW Report

“It ain’t the tool, fool. It’s the thirst.”

Excerpt from a piece on guns, killings, and how to break from the numbness.

The Stream-

You tell me murder in the womb is a choice. Why cry when I chose murder outside the womb? Why are you surprised?

Spare me your weep and woe. You reap what you sow.

You pump me full of drugs instead of hope. Ban prayer but legalize dope. Dad’s long gone. Mom’s singing her own song. Who catches me when I’m at the end of the rope?

You want answers. You want solutions. Congressional resolutions. “Trump, do something!” But you’re only just showing. Showboating. You’re not interested in knowing.

Truth could set you free, but you can’t say it on TV.

Read it all HERE. This is very good.

ht/ the Mighty Mojo.

22 Comments on “It ain’t the tool, fool. It’s the thirst.”

  1. PS

    “You took “Thou shall not kill” off the school walls.”

    The same people that did that are the same ones trying to take your weapons. These same people are protected by Security with guns. These same people send their kids and grand kids to private schools with armed security.

  2. Genesis 6:5-8 NIV
    [5] The Lord saw how great the wickedness of the human race had become on the earth, and that every inclination of the thoughts of the human heart was only evil all the time. [6] The Lord regretted that he had made human beings on the earth, and his heart was deeply troubled. [7] So the Lord said, “I will wipe from the face of the earth the human race I have created—and with them the animals, the birds and the creatures that move along the ground—for I regret that I have made them. ” [8] 8 But Noah found favor in the eyes of the Lord. …

    Or men’s group is doing a study of Noah, thought this seems familiar these days.

  3. Life seems grim at this time, especially when broadcasted by the media. But I spoke with the mother of a kid at that school today. She’s a dear friend and we spoke For 40 minutes.

    Her son is a hero and it restores my faith. He saved lives yesterday.

    Hopefully we can arrange an interview with Fur and this kid. All is not a lost.

  4. @BBrad ~ it’s hard to say ‘Thou Shalt Not Kill’ when you tell them it’s a wonderful thing to have sex like a rabbit (‘cuz their teachers want to hump their brains as much as the neighbor’s kid!) & then when they start getting knocked up, tell them it’s ok to go visit the vacuum cleaner lady … it’s just ‘unviable tissue’ clean-up after all

  5. Remember back in the 70’s and 80’s the big push for open campuses? Most schools are constructed that way. Try and defend one. The answer, the only answer, is arm the teachers.

  6. The left normalizes insanity, debauchery, cruelty and evil and then this happens. Why not? When the beauty of life is eroded by evolution telling us life started as a pile of goo, the baby growing inside a women is only a mass of disorganized tissue, if you don’t think like me then your life is meaningless – well, why should you be appalled about what happened?

  7. @BBrad ~ I’d say ‘yes’ to arming teachers only if all the teachers were ex-Army & Marine DI’s
    actually … that would solve the disciple problem in schools within one week!


    Anybody but a “School Resource Officer”. What do LEO do when they encounter a shooter? Establish a perimeter. And if they’re getting shot at they move their perimeter back. Ex Mil will find the shooter. A good civilian shooter will find the shooter.

  9. So they want POLICE OFFICERS to rush to the scene, dive in front of bullets in the nick of time, return fire, but not arm school staff that could do the job and save more lives.

    IT’S YOUR CHILD IN THAT SCHOOL, do you want teachers hiding under desks, or returning fire?

  10. “So they want POLICE OFFICERS to rush to the scene, dive in front of bullets in the nick of time, return fire”

    That’s my point. LEO is not trained that way. And believe me I’m not bad mouthing LEO. But LEO has an established process/protocol which does not include rush the shooter. Tick Tock, kids are dying. It doesn’t work. I’m not lying. Ex Mil, trained teachers, parents taking turns will be more effective. I’m NOT wrong here.

  11. ‘Thou Shalt Not Kill’

    Common mistaken understanding promoted by revised and rewritten versions of the Bible. Original words from God meant:

    Thou shalt not commit murder.

    The distinction between kill and murder is huge.

    Otherwise, someone’s death from your own self defense might put you in the lake of fire when all is said and done. Which, it won’t, because the word is murder, not kill.

    It matters. The left will use “shall not kill” against any gun owner that thinks that’s what it says. Be wise and make the distinction when a lefty conflates the two like it was here.

  12. @Cassandra February 15, 2018 at 11:58 pm

    > IT’S YOUR CHILD IN THAT SCHOOL, do you want teachers hiding under desks, or returning fire?

    It is NOT my child in that (not re-)education camp. I’m pretty sure you really DON’T want to know what I want happening regarding fire.

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