It IS 1984 – IOTW Report

It IS 1984

17 Comments on It IS 1984

  1. “It is my opinion, and it’s the acceptable opinion”. What the exact fxck is that bull shit? This isn’t about their little gender debate. It’s about controlling what you think or what you are allowed to think. In the long run, the jokes on them.

  2. “Not all policy is scientific”
    The gruppenfuhrer admits his position is untenable.
    The kid states his position calmly, clearly, and with a kick-ass accent. William Wallace lives.

  3. Eyyy… Cap’n, she’s got a ‘ole in ‘er bottom, ‘ere sinkin’ we are.

    Mate, yu shut yer fookin gob na’ authority says we aren’ an that’s as it is now.

    Ahh… no on ta the lifeboats then cap’n?

    A tole ya mate, shut yer fookin gob! Authority says we’re fine this way an that’s that na.

    You swim cap?

    Nah, authority says we donna need ta swim, we’ve got a boat right here. Now shut yer fookin’ gob mate if ya know what’s good fer ya.

    No true Scotsman would tolerate this kind of nonsense.


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