It is Time to End Compulsory Public Education – IOTW Report

It is Time to End Compulsory Public Education

Techno Fog

The State is teaching second graders “restorative justice.”. High schoolers are instructed that their families “reinforce racist/homophobic prejudices.” Government officials –  teachers and school board members – are targeting parents for their opposition to the teachings of critical race theory.

And we grovel to the State, begging them to make it stop.

This is not the profile of a free people.

The fight against the government’s efforts to teach and promote evil will always exist as long as there are public schools. The evil may be different in degree – it won’t always be critical race theory or the like – but it’ll still be present. The struggle to control curriculum will take place not in the classroom but in the courts, the legislature, the school board, and the agencies.

And this struggle, this fight against the State, will continue until we address the greater problem. Until we excise the cancer. Until we end State control over families.

What I mean is this: The State has no authority to compel a child attend public school. It is time to end compulsory education. MORE

11 Comments on It is Time to End Compulsory Public Education

  1. just got proposed a tax notice for my RURAL property
    495 for prop tax
    1200 school tax
    public school is teaching your kids to be self loathing useless deviants
    everything like reading, writing & math are rayciss

  2. Govt compulsory anything is tyranny.

    Govt compulsory child indoctrination, conditioning, and the withholding of the sort of intellectual stimulation that develops and encourages independent thought and judgment is the vilest, most evil tyranny. It is worse than simple chattel slavery.

  3. …I will never forget the day that my son’s teacher stood up in front of him, us, the principal, and our lawyer (yes, things devolved to the point we felt we NEEDED a lawyer at EVERY discussion with his school, right call incidentally), and said with a straight face that as the leader of the schools Teacher’s Union, she had to consider everything from the Union’s point of view and what was best for “her” teachers FIRST.


    …There’s a LOT of reasons I yanked the boy out of that racist, communist school that we put him in not knowing how badly things had devolved since WE were in school, but THIS was a BIG reason why we took our money and his test scores (he ALWAYS did well on the State tests, so they ALWAYS put him in with the slower kids to bring THEIR scores up, which had the net effect of holding HIM back) to a BETTER school that WASN’T overtaken by Commies then.

    It wasn’t easy. It wasn’t cheap (ESPEICALLY the “Lawyer” part). It wasn’t convenient. And we had some false starts with home schooling, nacent online schooling (Hell. No. Even pre-Covid, HAYELL NO), and different schools until we found one that worked.

    But it was WORTH it.

    …I probably blew my retirement up making it happen, but at least I kept my only son from being mentally and maybe even physically destroyed on the altar of political correctness by doing so; and if I have to grease things till I’m 90, then so be it if it meant pulling him loose from THAT Democrat-destroyed hell hole so he could have, you know, an EDUCATION instead of being told what a horrible White boy he was BECAUSE he was White in 90% of the classes while simultaneously being kept from playing basketball because it was “THEIR” sport and White boys weren’t welcome…

  4. …oh, and he also thanked me at one point for taking him to the Air Force museum and other places and teaching him about WWII, which I didn’t know I was doing, I just enjoyed the history. I was pleased but I asked him what prompted that, and he replied, “They didn’t teach ANYTHING about it in school AT ALL”.

    …and this was the 5th grade, as I recall.

    …I looked at his “history” text, and sure enough, plenty of stuff about half-assed African dictatorships and how they was kaings.

    But NOTHING on WWII.

    …it’s tough to put America in a bad light in WWII, ESPECIALLY since they were fighting the original White Supremacist in Hitler.

    …so it was easier just to not talk about it at ALL, apparently…


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