It is with a very heavy heart that I write this post – IOTW Report

It is with a very heavy heart that I write this post

Admin Girl just passed away this evening. She was with her family, who was holding vigil since I posted about her illness last week.

She fought bravely and accepted her fate with remarkable grace. When I had asked for prayers, Admin Girl had already told me that she was terminal.

I didn’t post that at the time because I hadn’t given up hope.

Admin Girl’s battle was long. Years long.

May she rest in peace.

I miss her.

136 Comments on It is with a very heavy heart that I write this post

  1. Godspeed Admin Girl. We know you are in GLORY with The Nazarene. I never knew you but I cannot stress enough what profound impacts you have had on my life thanks to your involvement with this website.

    I’m so sorry iOTWReport staff. 😢

  2. What terrible news. My condolences to her family and friends. May God keep her and protect her family. I’m sorry I am not great at articulating this sort of thing, but I very sorry for the loss.

  3. Absolve, we beseech Thee, O Lord,
    the soul of Thy servant known to us as Administration Girl
    from every bond of sin,
    that being raised in the glory of the resurrection,
    she may be refreshed among the Saints and Elect.
    Through Christ our Lord.


    Fur and all of you who know and love her have my sympathy.

  4. I just want to drop a note here.
    Thank you all for being the special caring people that you are.
    As a side note, and this is important to me, there will be posts going up, but I want everyone to know that they will be auto-scheduled.
    I don’t want anyone to think any contributors are being callous and cavalier at this time.

    But, having said that, feel free to make comments.
    Life goes on, and Admin Girl was a professional and she wouldn’t want it any other way.

    I’ll see you in the morning.

  5. I am so very sad for all family and friends who loved and treasured Admin Girl. I pray for the peace and comfort which can only come from our merciful Lord. May He bless and keep them,

  6. Heartfelt prayers to her family and the iotwreport family.

    Admin Girl. Fall into the Savior’s arms and rest. You’ve earned it!

    God bless you all. Mourn. Laugh at the memories you shared. Cry. Remember.

    With love and respect,


  7. I’m sorry for your loss. She was clearly loved by ,any here at IOTWREPORT. I’m fairly new around here. Perhaps re posting a few of her favorite posts would be appropriate.

  8. Death is for the living,the dead have left behind pain and sorrow,it is for us to remember that a glory has passed from this world and all that remains is for us to make them proud. God grant us strength and courage to meet the days ahead.

  9. It is amazing to see this wonderful outpouring of love and sympathy for Admin Girl. More importantly, I know her close family will see this. It’s remarkable how, what started out as one unique woman whipping 4 loose cannons into a cohesive creative force became a real community in every sense of the word. The family you see coming together here is her legacy, and a fitting tribute. We’ll miss her.

  10. Admin Girl was really something else, I enjoyed her spark so much and always wished I knew her better and maybe even in person. It’s been empty here without her for a while, and now it’s a deeper void. Her battles are over and she is now at peace and free of pain. My heartfelt condolences to you, Fur, and Mr. Pinko, Hippy and Irony, who were with Admin Girl from the beginning. I’m sorry for your loss.

  11. I’ve been sitting here wanting to write. A range of feelings swirling inside trying to find the right words to type in an attempt to console. I find that some how I have come to truly care for those I have never met much less know except through their work that I enjoy.

    Fur and all,
    Please allow me to offer my support through thoughts and prayers in your sorry and grief. May you find strength in knowing you are not alone. I care what happens to you and yours in this grand journey we call life. I’m sure I am not the only one of your audience that feels this way.

    Sincerely, Jagpald

  12. RIP Admin Girl – your online family loves and misses you. I wish all the archives had survived and we could go back and revisit some of our interactions from the past. The Grim Reaper is working overtime this year – always the good ones it seems. Until we meet again – enjoy the fullness of our God’s salvation.

  13. Such sad news. May Admin Girl rest in peace. May God comfort her family and friends. Deepest sympathy and prayers going out for her family and for her iotw family. May you all find comfort in the knowledge that she is free from pain, and in a wonderful place, where she can still keep an eye on all of you.

  14. This is so terrible. She had been gravely ill for so long, that it seemed to be a permanent state of being, so this is still a shock. RIP Admin Girl. Mrs. Critic and I will miss you.

  15. My heart aches…she was responsible for many of us becoming close friends in the real world as well as the on-line world.

    There will always be a special place in our hearts for Admin Girl.

  16. Sorry to hear Admin Girl has passed on. She will now rest in peace. Lord, bring comfort and strength to the iOTWr staff, her family and friends. My deepest condolences.

  17. What will IOTW be without her? Admin Girl was so much a part of this merry band of rebels…

    She’s in peaceful arms now, in His presence. My sympathy to all who knew and loved her, especially her family.

  18. My condolences to all who knew Admin Girl. Prayers for comfort and healing to family and friends.

    John 14:1-4 “Let not your hearts be troubled. Believe in God; believe also in me. In my Father’s house are many rooms. If it were not so, would I have told you that I go to prepare a place for you? And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and will take you to myself, that where I am you may be also. And you know the way to where I am going.”

  19. I am standing upon the seashore.
    A ship at my side spreads her white sails to the morning breeze and starts for the blue ocean.
    She is an object of beauty and strength,
    and I stand and watch until at last she hangs
    like a speck of white cloud just where the sea and sky come down to mingle with each other.

    Then someone at my side says,
    “She’s gone!”

    Gone where?
    Gone from my sight . . . that is all.
    She is just as large in mast and hull and spar
    as she was when she left my side
    and just as able to bear her load of living freight
    to the place of destination.
    Her diminished size is in me, not in her.

    And just at the moment
    when someone at my side says,
    “There she goes!”
    there are other eyes watching her coming…
    and other voices ready to take up the glad shout…
    “Here she comes!”

    Author: Henry Van Dyke


    The wind blows
    a leaf from the tree.

    From many leaves, just one.

    That one leaf is hardly felt
    because one leaf is almost none.

    Yet, this one leaf alone was part of our lives.

    Therefore, this one leaf alone
    Will always be missed by us.


  21. Oh, no wonder it began to rain again.

    Rest in Peace, Admin Girl. My condolences to Fur, Admin’s Girl’s other friends and her family and any loved ones I might have left out. May God take her in His arms and comfort those who are hurting tonight. xx

  22. My wife lost one of her sisters to cancer not too long ago. I didn’t know how I felt about my sister-in-law until she was gone. I know she’s in Paradise, but I still hurt thinking about her. Admin Girl has gone to be with my sister-in-law. I’m so sorry Fur.

  23. Didn’t know her, sounds like a dear friend of BFH. Very sorry to learn this and my condolences to her family and friends. Godspeed Admin Girl. We are going to win one for you this fall

  24. Such sad news. Like many others who were here in the early days of IOTW – Admin Girl’s avatar was always a welcome sight. My deepest condolences to those who knew her personally, as I know her loss leaves a big hole in your lives.

  25. It’s sad how the rest of the world moves on, having barely paused to take notice of the devastating hole that death has punched in our universe. My condolences to all who knew and loved AdminGirl.

  26. I envision Admin Girl at the pearly gates, being asked what she did with her life, and in addition to thinking through all the family and friends she has loved, she will say, “Well, I helped this crazy bunch of guys start a blog.” And the Lord will smile upon her. And only then will she understand in full the impact she’s had.

  27. Very sad. Even though I don’t submit a lot of posts, I am on this site every day. IOTWReport is truly important to me which means that admin girl made my life better. I didn’t know her, but I will miss her.

  28. This was going to be a melancholy day as it was. This was to be my mother’s 94th birthday. She didn’t make it to 94. And now I hear about another person who was always very kind to me passing away.

    At the end, my mother’s life was one of battling one damn thing after another. I’m sure it was the same for AG. At the end you take comfort in knowing it could have been worse, that the way both passed was a blessing and a mercy.

    RIP, AG

  29. And what a sense of humor she had. Just think of the name she chose for herself — Admin Girl … as if she was the one they all sent out for sandwiches at lunchtime, as opposed to being the proprietor of the website.

    I didn’t even know who she was at first, and when I learned my reaction was “Isn’t that clever?”

  30. What sad news.
    I’d been thinking of dear Admin Girl often, since BFH told us how ill she was.
    I almost dared to dream that “no news was good news”.
    How she will be missed.
    One of my favorite memories of her was the April Fools’ Day that she told us she was shutting down the site.
    Well…obviously, panic ensued.
    When she revealed the joke, we were so relieved we couldn’t be mad.

  31. Rest in peace, Admin Girl. The only comfort I can offer is that her pain and suffering are over. We owe her a tremendous debt for starting this site and giving so many of us a haven in a world gone insane. My condolences to her family and friends and to the rest of her IOTW co-conspirators, who I know will miss her tremendously. Breaks my heart. 🙁

  32. RIP Admin Girl. Thoughts and prayers to all family and friends.

    And thank you for teaching me how to get an avatar.
    Perhaps her “eye” can be a permanent fixture on IOTWreport.

  33. You will be missed and I will personally miss the every so often postings we went back and forth with on obscure B movies….Rest in Peace Admin Girl and may God give comfort to your family

  34. A friend of mine stated that he hopes his legacy is that he “moved the needle” for people he met in his life. He’s not certain that that is the case for him. Having read all of the posts on this thread to this point and my experience on this site have proven to me that Admin Girl did indeed “move the needle” for many, many people who never had the blessing to personally know her. However, her legacy lives on every day this site continues. I will be praying for her friends and family for the peace that passes understanding and only comes from God. Admin Girl, you will be missed.

  35. My deepest condolences to her friends, family and us IOTWREPORT readers who will miss her terribly.

    May she rest in eternal peace and happiness where God has promised there are no more tears, there is no sadness, no sickness, just the warmth of His love.

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