It Only Took 30 Years for US to Remove All Chemical Warfare Munitions – IOTW Report

It Only Took 30 Years for US to Remove All Chemical Warfare Munitions

UK Daily Mail

The US has destroyed its final chemical weapon after a sarin nerve agent-filled rocket was safely disposed of on a Kentucky army base on Friday.

The Pentagon announced that the destruction of the weapon marked the end of a 30-year mission to eradicate the stockpile the US had.

In 1993, the US had agreed to the terms of the Chemical Weapons Convention, an international arms control treaty that was ratified in 1997. More

11 Comments on It Only Took 30 Years for US to Remove All Chemical Warfare Munitions

  1. I say the military death boffins have stashes of precursor chemicals, mothballed manufacturing equipment, and empty delivery devices stashed in the darker recesses of the many secure DoD warehouses, maybe in the U.S. but probably overseas.

    Anybody wannna bet against me? Heh, it’s a safe bet because we’ll never know until we’re the ones twitching and gasping our last breaths having been gassed by our own govt.

  2. …but they happily keep making biological weapons in contravention of the Nuremberg Laws, and merrily unleash them on the world and their own citizens, all to maintain their power…

  3. Has ANYONE ever asked;

    Why in the fuck does the US suck the dick of foreigmers. Why the fuck do we cave to the whims and wants of a third world country, Why the Fuck do WE coddle and cater to the very people that HATE US????

    It’s simple;
    Our ‘elected’ officials can be easily bought.


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