IT TAKES A VILLAGE of idiots – IOTW Report



10 Comments on IT TAKES A VILLAGE of idiots

  1. And a big fuck you to Allahpundit–who is obviously a muzzie and the rest of the traitorous fucktards at Hot Air. Stop going to “conservative sites” that bash Trump nonstop people. Dear lord they are pathetic simpering weenies. I don’t believe a fucking thing they post or a fucking poll anymore. ITS WAR just like Andrew said.

  2. Wow, just went over to HotAir-they’re worse then Erickson. I dropped them years ago but mostly because AP was so gasbaggy. Now they’re full blown neverTrump.

    Fuck ’em.

    It’s hard to believe so many will cede the SC to Hillary for the rest of my life. You can kiss 2A and 1A adios.

    The bitch is that when Trump wins, these assfucks aren’t going to STFU. They’ll be attacking Trump non stop from the right while Obama(in DC) will not be able to keep his fucking mouth shut. It’ll make the trashing W got look like a kiss from mom.

  3. Wait. . .. what?!?!
    Not having been to any of these #NeverTrump sites, I’m assuming that this poster comes from one of them. Which side are they on? The message says “PRO Donald”, but the signatories says “PRO Hellery”. So which is it? I’m confused. Seriously, I am SO confused by this. Will someone please explain, in words of one syllable or less. Thank you.

  4. Already the fucktards at hot air are spouting off that the huge turnouts at Trump rallies don’t mean shit and that there is no doubt Hillary is way up in polls. Now how hard is it to believe that the never trumpets like hot air would scheme with the dems to promote false info to suppress Trump voters? I admit I was really disheartened when I started seeing the polls-but realized that’s exactly what those fucks want–for us to feel it’s hopeless. No question in my mind it’s us a collaborative orchestrated attack on us “little people” aka American taxpayer. We gotta fight

  5. Very vocal NeverTrump Huelskamp LOST his primary on Tuesday. No one is mentioning it or, when they do, they completely overlook his anti-Trump stance. Looks like McCain and Ryan are both in trouble in their primaries. Hope they both lose.

    Of course, if RINOs lose in the November election, Trump will be blamed even if he wins in a landslide.

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