It was a bad week for Avenatti – IOTW Report

It was a bad week for Avenatti


DC: A woman who Michael Avenatti claimed backed his client Julie Swetnick’s allegations against Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh has recanted her story and is accusing Avenatti, a potential 2020 presidential hopeful, of “twisting” her words.

The saga is laid out in a new report from NBC News, which interviewed Swetnick on Oct. 1, days after Avenatti released a sworn declaration in which she accused Kavanaugh of sexual misconduct in the 1980s.

In an effort to bolster Swetnick’s allegations, Avenatti put NBC reporters in touch with the second woman for a phone interview on Sept. 30. He published her sworn declaration on Twitter on Oct. 2.

But according to NBC, the woman’s statements during the Sept. 30 interview were inconsistent with the declaration published by Avenatti.

The report comes in the wake of Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley referring Avenatti and Swetnick to the Justice Department and FBI for an investigation into whether they conspired to make false statements to Congress regarding Kavanaugh.  more here


SNIP: But wait! There’s more…

link–> This IS A PROBLEM’: Avenatti Faces Mounting Backlash For Saying Dem Nominee ‘Better Be A White Male’.

Left-wing attorney Michael Avenatti, a likely 2020 presidential candidate, faces a mounting backlash after reportedly saying the Democratic Party’s nominee “better be a white male.”

“I think it better be a white male,” Avenatti told Time Magazine in a profile that ran on Thursday. “When you have a white male making the arguments, they carry more weight. Should they carry more weight? Absolutely not. But do they? Yes.”

Avenatti denied making the comment and called Time’s reporting “complete bullshit” in an interview with The Daily Caller News Foundation. (Time is standing by their reporting.)


10 Comments on It was a bad week for Avenatti

  1. I think Avenetti is somehow tied to the fake pipe bomb scheme. I think he engineered the whole thing and used a patsy to mail the fake devices. He is very, very, sick and deranged and this is right up his alley. I would not be at all surprised if he kills himself/is “found dead” in a motel soon.

  2. Feed him a big fat rat and let him slither onto a flat rock in the sun and digest his meal. He’ll have a more agreeable disposition afterward.
    He just needs to be fed.

  3. NBC fingerprints all over Everything

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    msnbc skinhead Circus Clown John Heilemann
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    Donny Deutsch
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    Michael Avenatti
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    Proof Puddin’
    Burghoff sonar signals
    msNBC Skinhead John Heilemann
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    Last Seen in Brownshirts and Pink Hats
    Appt ► 10-25 AM mourning Therapy
    Douchebags ► schedule self-Enema demo on Mikas Couch
    Sourkraut Solution, Fermented
    Circus Clown Purple Juice


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