Chelsea Clinton: I’ll Run for Office ‘if Someone Steps Down or Retires’ – IOTW Report

Chelsea Clinton: I’ll Run for Office ‘if Someone Steps Down or Retires’

Breitbart: Chelsea Clinton dropped yet another subtle hint at her political future on Wednesday, days before a scheduled appearance in Scarsdale, New York, on Saturday to promote a children’s book.

Clinton told the Journal News on Wednesday she would not rule out running for office, but would only do so “if someone were to step down and retire.”

“I think if someone were to step down or retire, and I thought I could do a good job and it matched my talents, I’d have to think if it’s the right choice for me,” Clinton said, adding that her mother had not dropped any hints about mounting another presidential campaign in 2020.

The 38-year-old daughter of former President Bill Clinton and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said that while she does not “have any plans” to follow in her parents’ footsteps anytime soon, she encouraged young people to seek elected office.

“I don’t have any plans to run for office, but it is something I think about as I hope every young person thinks about it,” Clinton added. “If you care about what’s happening in the world, you have to care about running for and holding elected office. I hope it’s a question that we ask ourselves.”  more here


SNIP: It sounds like she thinks someone is going to just hand her a Congressional seat. She is definitely Hillary’s kid.

33 Comments on Chelsea Clinton: I’ll Run for Office ‘if Someone Steps Down or Retires’

  1. Thank Goodness!
    I’ve been worried sick that young Clinton wouldn’t run!
    A political arena without a Clinton would be … would be … as unimaginable as a political arena without a stinking fucking Kennedy or a creepy Cuomo! Oh! I hope I haven’t slighted Romney or Carnahan or Edwards or Landieu or Udall or Rockefeller!

    Heaven knows what we’d do without these perennial maggots.

    Gosh! We NEED these aristocratic maggots!
    Freedom is Scary!

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. Match her talents? The only jobs this woman has had are fake, cushy give me’s like her $600k NBC job she didn’t do well, working at The Clinton Foundation and getting them to pay for her expensive wedding etc. What she is really saying is if a position opens that she doesn’t have to run against anymore that has the slightest chance of winning. Like her mother, she isn’t going to work for it, she expects it and she isn’t talented enough to compete for anything.

  3. Courage. She’ll run if they, whoever they are, will give it to her like NY did for her mother.

    So it’s not about representing voters. It’s about servicing her ego for the opinions she inherited provided she doesn’t have to work for it.

    Like everything else in her life.

  4. We may soon see a totally “unexpected” death* of some long time democrat in a uncontested seat. Miss Hubble will step up to fill the position but only for the good of the party. She will be lavished with praise for this unselfish act.

    * A two bullet to the back of the head suicide.

  5. @gin blossom…

    “We may soon see a totally “unexpected” death* of some long time democrat…”

    If I were Rosa De Lauro, I’d be checking on a regular basis to see if Chubbles has bought a house in the district.

  6. @Tim October 26, 2018 at 9:10 am

    > I’ve been worried sick that young Clinton wouldn’t run!

    Then, be at ease. She said that, like her mother, she’ll take any title offered, that she wants, as long as it’s a gift. She ain’t runnin’ no where.

  7. @Anonymous October 26, 2018 at 9:16 am

    > Match her talents? The only jobs this woman has had are fake, cushy give me’s

    So, you’re saying she’s perfect for government service?

  8. I can see it now…..Chelsea standing in front of the cannon in Ft. Marcy Park, announcing that she’s running for the House seat currently occupied by the late Nita Lowey (once Nita assumes room temperature after her visit for tea this afternoon with Felonia and Daddy).
    Never underestimate the usefulness of Arkancide!

  9. Maybe not such a shoe-in in a “safe” dem seat. She’s carrying around a lot of baggage from Mom (less so from Dad) and has been packing a few of her own bags over the years. It wouldn’t be hard to pin her down as a child of political privilege who has skirted if not crossed the line herself on occasion. Besides, before some poor soul is forced from his seat Ms. Clinton may end up facing charges with regards to her time at the Clinton Foundation. You never know.


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