It Was A Century Ago Today That Russia Went To Hell – IOTW Report

It Was A Century Ago Today That Russia Went To Hell

It didn’t happen all at once. It took a series of missteps by the provisional Kerensky government, and the war by the Czar, before the  Communist Bolsheviks, lead by Lenin, seized the reins of power in the then capital of Russia, Petrograd, 100 years ago today.


Instead of dressing up as WWI era revolutionaries and reenacting the storming of the Winter Palace, they dressed up as WWII era Russian soldiers. That was when the Red Army paraded through the streets of Moscow in 1941 to celebrate the October Revolution, then marched right out of the city to defend it from the Nazis.



11 Comments on It Was A Century Ago Today That Russia Went To Hell

  1. Socialism in ALL its forms is pure Evil. I pray to God that American Progressives will never again take power.

    Looking back, every single Democrat president in the last 120 years was bad for our country – like Woodrow Wilson, Frank Roosevelt, Truman, the pill-popping womanizing Kennedy, Democrat Plantation slavemaster Lyndon Johnson, Iran-appeaser Jim Carter, the head of the Clinton Crime Family, and culminating in the Kenyan-born Manchurian Candidate B Hussein Obama.

  2. And the world owes it all to Kaiser Wilhelm, who financed it all & sent Lenin & Co in to make trouble for Cousin Nikolai.

    Taking the 20th Century as a whole, I’ll argue with that the foolish war mongering Kaiser wrought far more sheer long term destruction than even Hitler. Whose emergence he also made possible.

  3. It was the Full Catastrophe! Hard to believe that any educated person would aspire to try this horrible system of government again. It’s a reflection of our failed public schools and universities that anyone seriously believes that Communism has ever improved things for anybody but the ruling elite.

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