It Wouldn’t Be Earth Day Without…. – IOTW Report

It Wouldn’t Be Earth Day Without….

14 Comments on It Wouldn’t Be Earth Day Without….

  1. Earth day falls on my birthday. One year I had a 50′ cypress (that I hated) cut down to celebrate. They are filthy, shedding trees that suck all the water out of the ground and nothing will grow near them. This year I’m going to celebrate by using Round Up on the entire back yard to try to eradicate all my neighbor’s blackberry.

  2. AbigailAdams,

    “Bald cypress has a tendency to form “knees,” which are pieces of root that grow above the ground in odd and sometimes mysterious shapes. Knees are more common for trees grown in water, and the deeper the water, the taller the knees. Some knees reach a height of 6 feet. Although no one is sure about the function of knees, they may help the tree get oxygen when they are underwater. These projections are sometimes unwelcome in the home landscape because they make mowing difficult and they can trip passers-by.”

    Hope you harvested the wood, cypress is good to work with.

  3. I plan on being “earthy” on Earth Day. I’ll be telling some foul limericks, go unbathed, and will make my presence known by eating a big can of Bush’s Bake Beans.

  4. I just bought 3 gallons of Round Up today. I am going to use it on Monday in the back yard. Have to do it on Monday because AA and I will spend her birthday on Sunday touring clear cuts in the Cascades, after a meal of Orca fin’s at Salty’s on Alki.
    Good Times.

  5. A Carpenter we live in Washington not the Swamps.
    I would love to see some of the “Knees”.
    I know what they are, most are used on boats here to support the upper deck.

  6. AA, Roundup doesn’t do much to blackberries, I have found. One of my best friends is a landscaper and he put some stuff on a 50 foot X 10 foot run of blackberries that I had and they have never come back. Might have been Agent Orange, I don’t know. I’ll ask him what he used if you want me to.

  7. Agent Orange is 2-4-D and 2-4-5-T mixed together which makes it turn orange.
    Either chemical alone will do the trick.

    Anyway…..I’ve got a stack of 11.00 X 24.5 tires all ready to burn on the sacred day.


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