Italian Bishop: I Would ‘Turn All Churches into Mosques’ to Save Migrants – IOTW Report

Italian Bishop: I Would ‘Turn All Churches into Mosques’ to Save Migrants


This cannot be topped. This is the epitome of being so open-minded your brain falls out.


An Italian bishop has said that he would be willing to see an end to Christianity and the dominion of Islam if it meant saving migrants’ lives, Italian media reported Monday.

“Morally and as a man of faith I would be willing to turn all churches into mosques if it were useful to the cause and if it helped to save the lives of poor and unhappy men and women, because Christ did not come to earth to build churches (did he come to convert churches into mosques???? -bfh) but to help men regardless of race, religion, or nationality,” said the former bishop of Caserta, Raffaele Nogaro, earlier this month.

“And instead there are politicians who in their speeches continue to preach of deportations and the worst thing is that they do it with the crown and the rosary in hand and taking the name of God in vain, a very serious sin,” Nogaro said, in reference to a famous image of Interior Minister Matteo with the rosary in hand.


20 Comments on Italian Bishop: I Would ‘Turn All Churches into Mosques’ to Save Migrants

  1. I am a practicing Catholic and I said decades ago that the USCCB was the single most corrupt organization in America and I bloody well meant it. Not that there are not Bishops that are not paragons of virtue among the membership, but in all too many cases …

  2. Help them in their own country. Help them with farming, manufacturing,construction. Give them foreign aid. Help them build. But let the people benefit. Not the GodDamn dictators who build monuments to themselves, steal what they can, and enjoy cocktail parties at the United Nations in New York. His Eminence is a naive dolt.

  3. You know the difference between a protestant clergy and a catholic one?

    When the protestant one is wrong we say he’s not really a Christian and a right-wing fanatic. When the catholic one is wrong we just say he’s being catholic.

  4. Frickin’ idiot. They are poor and unhappy because everyone in their shithole countries believe like they do. Then they want to move to another country and turn it into a shithole. It’s cause and effect that anyone with a brain can see.

  5. Sivio Matteo has no sympathy for the homo mafia that runs the vatican pedophile underground. He is a threat to them just like Trump is. The Catholic Church is doomed as an institution as we know it. They will join with Nazislam for a few reasons, one of which is the fact that raping little boys is okay in Nazislam so the homo priests will be right at home. As a Catholic, I am sickened by the Church and getting away from them and just being a Christian is the best thing you can do.

  6. When the end comes I firmly believe the armies of darkness will be gathered under the black banner of Islam.

    Or,in other words I think Islam’s Mahdi and the book of Revelation’s anti Christ are one and the same. The worlds elect are being deceived and the stage is being set. The world is sailing into an excrement storm of biblical proportions. Trump’s winning I think is putting it on hold but only just.

  7. “Christ did not come to earth to build churches but to help men regardless of race, religion, or nationality,”

    Members of the Sanhedrin and the Temple moneychangers unavailable for comment.

  8. He’s obviously a reprobate cheer leading for Chrislam – a cult straight out of Hell.
    The “bishop” confirms he’s never read the Holy Bible or has any relationship with Christ based on those asinine comments.


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