Italy: Catholic Establishment Attacks Matteo Salvini – IOTW Report

Italy: Catholic Establishment Attacks Matteo Salvini

Breitbart: ROME — A number of prominent progressive Catholics assailed Italy’s interior minister Matteo Salvini on Saturday for invoking God at a massive populist, pro-sovereignty rally in Milan.

At one point during the rally at the Piazza del Duomo, Salvini, a practicing Catholic, took up a rosary in his hand and said he was entrusting the European elections to the Blessed Virgin Mary, which earned him the wrath of Catholic groups that have already compared Salvini to the anti-Christ.

In a tweet that same day, Salvini wrote: “I entrust Italy and my life to the immaculate Heart of Mary!” While ordinarily such an expression of piety would win approval from Catholic pastors, Salvini was excoriated by the Catholic establishment.

Jesuit Father Antonio Spadaro, who waded into U.S. politics in 2017 with an essay slamming conservative Christians in the United States as politically ambitious racists who promote an “ecumenism of hate” and wish to impose a theocratic state, was quick to accuse Salvini as “taking the name of God in vain.”

Although Father Spadaro sought to give the impression he was criticizing Mr. Salvini from a merely theological perspective, he wound up slipping back into his own partisan politics by saying that Salvini’s values “have nothing to do with the gospel of Jesus,” despite the minister’s opposition to abortion and gender ideology, as well as his vocal support for the traditional family.

The liberal Catholic magazine La Famiglia Cristiana, which had already done its own cover story on Salvini comparing the minister to Lucifer, also jumped into the fray Sunday, saying that Salvini had “brandished the rosary” Saturday in an “umpteenth example of religious instrumentalization staged to justify the systematic violation of human rights in our country.”

“While Matteo Salvini held up the gospel as an amulet and entrusted himself to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, a ship laden with shipwreck survivors was told it could not land in Lampedusa and the U.N. condemned us for human rights violations,” the magazine declared. “What else is needed to ignite the indignation of Catholics?”

One might be tempted to respond that the United Nations has often shown itself to be a poor arbiter of human rights and has often criticized attempts by Catholics to guarantee the rights of unborn children in the womb and to defend the traditional understand of marriage as the union of one man and one woman. more here

8 Comments on Italy: Catholic Establishment Attacks Matteo Salvini

  1. “Shipwreck survivors”?!?

    You mean the rabble of uncivilized countries that got into an un-seaworthy vessel of their own volition and against recommendations by people who know better and then found themselves in a situation they were not prepared for because they wanted to illegally go to another country and live off the generosity of strangers while refusing to assimilate and in fact try and force the native population to live in the same sub-human standards they themselves were attempting to get away from?

    Websters must have changed the definition of “Shipwreck Survivors” since I last looked.

  2. In religion it is satan against God.
    In politics it is liberals against conservatives.
    And oddly enough, liberals act just like satan – lying, killing, destroying.


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