Italy outraged as court finds victim too ugly to be raped – IOTW Report

Italy outraged as court finds victim too ugly to be raped

The Star-

ROME – Italy’s Justice Ministry has ordered a preliminary inquiry into an appeals court ruling that overturned a rape verdict in part by arguing that the woman who was attacked was too ugly to be a credible rape victim.

The ruling has sparked outrage in Italy, prompting a flash mob Monday outside the Ancona court, where protesters shouted “Shame!” and held up signs saying “indignation.”

The appeals sentence was handed down in 2017 — by an all-female panel — but the reasons behind it only emerged publicly when Italy’s high court annulled it on March 5 and ordered a retrial. The Court of Cassation said Wednesday its own reasons for ordering the retrial will be issued next month.

Two Peruvian men were initially convicted of the 2015 rape of a Peruvian woman in Ancona, but the Italian appeals court overturned the verdict and absolved them, finding that she was not a credible witness. In part of the ruling, the court noted that the suspects had found her unattractive and too “masculine” to be a credible rape victim.


ht/ cynic

20 Comments on Italy outraged as court finds victim too ugly to be raped

  1. I read this yesterday and laughed, just knowing what outrage would follow. All the right heads exploding. “No man is going to rape a butch looking bull dyke like you”. ha

  2. I bet that Peruvian woman is sorry she didn’t pay more attention to the wording when she signed up for what she thought was the “Italian Grape Vacation Tour”.

  3. When Big Mike divorces Little Barry Big Mike won’t be able, due to excessive ugliness, to claim that Little Barry raped him to gain sympathy for his case and to sweeten the alimony pot (nor physical abuse either)!


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