Italy: Salvini Says The ports are, and will remain, closed to illegal migrants – IOTW Report

Italy: Salvini Says The ports are, and will remain, closed to illegal migrants

h/t The Rebel

10 Comments on Italy: Salvini Says The ports are, and will remain, closed to illegal migrants

  1. Hey Fritz, Would you like to
    be married to her ? Could
    you imagine her cutting loose
    on you for not doing what your told?
    HaHaHa ! turn the vol. up.

  2. Wow! That gal is great. Compare her to the kiss-A$$ Lib-Tards like AOC, Harris and those muzzie hos….well, there is no comparison.
    Some of Europe is waking up and fighting back against the muslim invasion. I hope it’s not too late for those countries. It would seem England and Sweden are lost.

  3. @Fritz the Cat – DAMN!!! I think I’m in love with her. The best slam line was about Soros.

    BTW, I know 2-3 words in Italian, but I love to listen to it. It’s almost musical.

  4. @Fritz–The subtitles were totally accurate as to what she was saying and I wish that we had some legislators in DC who had half of the passion she exhibited that day.
    I could imagine Trump wound up and saying a lot of what she was saying with the same passion.
    We have MAGA and Salvini and his allies have MIGA!
    The EU is a bit afraid of the toothpaste that Trump squeezed out of the tube on that side of the pond.


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