Italy to Deploy 70,000 Officers to Enforce Restrictions over Easter – IOTW Report

Italy to Deploy 70,000 Officers to Enforce Restrictions over Easter


The Italian government is expected to deploy up to 70,000 police and carabinieri over Easter weekend to prevent large gatherings and enforce lockdown restrictions.

From April 3rd to the 5th, beaches, vaccination centres, nightlife areas, public parks, and other spaces will see a heightened presence of law enforcement across Italy.

Several local politicians had begun to implement new restrictions ahead of the Easter weekend, such as the President of the Province of Grosseto in Tuscany, Antonfrancesco Vivarelli Colonna, who closed beaches in the commune of Capalbio, Il Giornale reports.

According to the newspaper, the Italian Interior Ministry has also recommended that travel be monitored by authorities, particularly public transportation.

Prime Minister Mario Draghi’s government introduced the new lockdown measures last month. The rules restrict travel to other regions unless the traveller is going to a second home and limits family get-togethers for the Easter holidays. more

19 Comments on Italy to Deploy 70,000 Officers to Enforce Restrictions over Easter

  1. Meh.

    My cousin is a Cop in Italy.
    He came to Canada and stayed with my Parents for 3 weeks. (my old room) 51 years old.
    He used to get up late, my mother would bring his espresso & biscotti sitting on the balcony in the back yard. He used to like watching the Squirrels in the back yard.
    My father at 75 was totally disgusted as he would leave to come to our office while “ill Capitanno” was still sleeping.

    I asked my cousin,” would you like to see squirrel up close?”

    “Yes, they are cut”

    I stuck grey one with an arrow, put it in a covered apple basket, and gave it to him just before Sunday dinner.

    He seriously thinks I’m fuckin Nuts and calls me “Assasino”

    I told him the black ones are “chocolate” flavored.

    True story.
    The American and Canadian families still laugh.

  2. The leaders of the world are taking a direct stand against God now, ad most of the people are going along with it and giving them their support.

    This not a wise thing to be doing, the Bible is full of examples that show us what the outcome of it is and who the winners and the losers are when it finally ends.

    Read the back of the book if you wish to learn more.

  3. Nothing like deploying 70,000 cops to enforce that whole “republic” idea, huh?
    (officially the Repubblica Italiana)

    “A republic (Latin: res publica, meaning “public affair”) is a form of government in which “power is held by the people and their elected representatives”.”

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. When I first read this I read it as “Iran to deploy 70,000 officers …” and thought to myself “why would that surprise anyone”?

    The I put my glasses on.


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