Italy to Impound NGO Migrant Ferries – IOTW Report

Italy to Impound NGO Migrant Ferries

Breitbart: The Italian government has announced that it may take in migrants from two NGO ‘rescue’ ships, but may seize the vessels for allegedly flying the Dutch flag illegally.

The two ships, the Lifeline and the Seefuchs, operated by the Mission Lifeline NGO, have so far not attempted to access any Italian ports after being told that their ships would be impounded, Europe 1 reports.

Danilo Toninelli, Italian transportation minister, said that once docked the two ships “will be sequestered by the Italian government and directed in our ports to check their flag of membership.” more

5 Comments on Italy to Impound NGO Migrant Ferries

  1. Well-played, Italy. Those ships could be bringing thousands more, probably have already brought thousands into Europe, and now they’ll be rusting in port. Lock up the Soros Navy Officers, too.

  2. The Libyan coast guard is rescuing these invaders who get in distress in the Med and returning them to Libya. The NGO’s are racing to get there first so they can take them to a European port.

    Italy has warned the NGO’s to stay out of it. The news isn’t reporting that Libya is out there rescuing their people and are being interfered with.

  3. More than one way to take a well intentioned country down, just swamp it with more refugees than it can take care of financially. Gee, does Italy see a problem in accepting unlimited numbers of unwanted people being dumped on their shores?

  4. Check their flags!? If international law requires “rescue” vessels to take their “survivors” to the nearest “safe” port (pro tip: it does), simply seize the ships, and crews, for human trafficking.


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