ITER- International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor – IOTW Report

ITER- International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor

35 nations are building the largest tokamak facility ever attempted in southern France, called ITER.

A tokamak uses magnetic fields to contain the high energy, extremely hot plasma created by the reactor. With ITER they intend to demonstrate the feasibility of fusion energy by heating atoms to temperatures of 150,000,000 degrees Celsius (2,700,032 degrees Fahrenheit).  Unlike smaller tokamak reactors, physicist expect ITER to generate more energy than it consumes in the process of fusing atoms.

This year marks a major milestone for the project as principle construction of the central buildings is expected to be completed. If the engineers stay on schedule, they expect to begin experiments on large scale fusion reactions in eight years. More

30 Comments on ITER- International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor

  1. “physicist expect ITER to generate more energy than it consumes in the process of fusing atoms….”

    Don’t mind me, I’m just sitting here re-reading the laws of physics.

  2. Yes Sarthurk, the laws of physics will be broken. Like Drago and Rocky in that boxing movie who’s name escapes me. “I MUST BREAK YOU.” Is what the scientists are saying and the laws of physics are standing there thinking ‘WTF!?!”

  3. Hmm, they weren’t really sure what would happen when they pulled the pin on the first A bomb, or the H bomb, or if they could make a black hole with the CERN supercollider, what could go wrong?

  4. The planet will not go nova. Why? This project was created by Reagan(pbuh) and Gorbachov.

    If Dutch says his car is half full of gas, but all he has to do is drive it 100 miles for the tank to fill up….you get in the ride.

  5. P.S. The geothermal energy of Goddess Gaia is about twenty-billion years worth of consumption at current worldwide levels. Ignoring what happened on Krypton, the U.S. of A. could provide for all of its energy needs by tapping into Yellowstone. Done, done. Cancel your subscription to, “Popular Science.” And quit wasting money. Retrain all of the ‘tarded physists in Women’s and Gender Studies so they can be less useless.

  6. No. I’m doubling down and demanding this entire ITER project be moved to space. Zero gravity will fix all the design problems inherent in tokamak leaving the Earth free to destroy itself the old fashioned way.

  7. Dr. Tar – you’re welcome. And, um, it is actually five zeros instead of three. Your original was off by two orders of magnitude.

    I do apologize. I’m a number-oriented retired geek.

    @Aaron Burr – nookyoolar fusion does indeed produce more energy than it consumes…as long as you ignore the spontaneous energy/matter creation/conversion in (God’s) (the Big Bang’s) (pick one) creation of the universe. I find that pretty easy to ignore, though.

  8. Al, fusion is just a theory. It only works on the sun.

    However. This project is exciting. If for no other reason than we’ve found an even more expensive way of making tritium.

  9. Regarding the NIF project at Lawrence Livermore. We use to do some work for “The Lab”. We got the tour. An amazing place with some amazing history. They went so far as to smuggle a couple Russian scientist out of the old Soviet Union that had written theories on how to accelerate the growth of salt crystals. They have their own museum open to the public. Well worth the visit.

  10. @Aaron Burr:

    Al, fusion is just a theory. It only works on the sun.

    It’s a bit more than a theory, AB. Just ask anybody near Bikini Atoll in early 1954. As Wikipedia (I know, I know) says:

    When [Castle] Bravo was detonated, it formed a fireball almost 4.5 miles (7.2 km) across within a second. This fireball was visible on Kwajalein atoll over 250 miles (400 km) away. The explosion left a crater 6,500 feet (2,000 m) in diameter and 250 feet (76 m) in depth. The mushroom cloud reached a height of 47,000 feet (14,000 m) and a diameter of 7 miles (11 km) in about a minute, a height of 130,000 feet (40 km) and 62 mi (100 km) in diameter in less than 10 minutes and was expanding at more than 100 meters per second (360 km/h; 220 mph). As a result of the blast, the cloud contaminated more than 7,000 square miles (18,000 km2) of the surrounding Pacific Ocean, including some of the surrounding small islands like Rongerik, Rongelap, and Utirik.

  11. Fission is not fusion. I LOVE fission. That ish’ works. SPECTACULARLY.

    This ITER deal is trying to play catch up to the theories of the seventies which claimed we were THIS close to “breaking even”energy production wise. We’re not even there yet. That’s the whole point of ITER. Ish’ didn’t work so they did what every American would naturally do when confronted with a small, niggling problem…. scale it up to ridiculous size and use brute force to accomplish your ends.

    However, as previously noted, one of the elements created in this fusion process is delicious tritium gas. We need tritium. If it takes 35 countries to make tritium so my Mickey Mouse watch can glow, so be it. Reagan(pbuh) has spoken.

  12. @AB – Thermonuclear bombs use the fusion of hydrogen isotopes as the middle reaction in their mammy-jammy triple-whammy boomity-boom-boom. Fission triggers the fusion which triggers a hellacious fission-powered energy release of up to (historically) 50 megatons TNT equivalent. The fusion stage is an essential part of the magic.

    p.s. Tritium is your friend when it comes to night sights for your gat.

  13. “mammy-jammy triple-whammy boomity-boom-boom.”

    This is why I love physics.

    But I stand by my assertion. A fission bomb is like lighting the fuse on a old timey bomb. It starts an uncontrollable reaction. ITER is trying to pull the handle on a magic slot machine that isn’t plugged in and pays out with every pull.

    Right now it’s only paying out 70 cents on the dollar.

    But I really want “mammy-jammy triple-whammy boomity-boom-boom” on a tee shirt now.

  14. Pfffft. We should divert all of this money to developing a death ray gun so I can control the world. Or at least try to make gold out of lead just to annoy Isaac Newton.


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