It’ll Never Catch On – IOTW Report

It’ll Never Catch On

A BBC video from 1984 of home computing and sending e-mails to your friends. dyrct9nmr3ufy0isepyt

 I like how the husband has to actually has use a rotary phone for his dial up modem.

I remember the days before webpages and browsers and it looked a lot like this.


 If you don’t want to relive the days of dialing up FAX machines, don’t listen to the end credits.

10 Comments on It’ll Never Catch On

  1. Oh, yes… Those dear old Trash-80 days…
    Then, along came Windows ruined it all for me. Software code should be elegant, simple and clean, not the mish-mash of spaghetti-ware thrust upon us by Microsoft.
    Thank Goodness for Linux and Open Source!

  2. Yesh. Marketing the technology — to scientists — was a bitch. …but an important bitch. I dubbed the 30 lb dumb acoustic terminal, sans memory, a “phonewriter” and lugged it, with my husband, through DC science agencies to explain the ease. …smile…

    I have tv interviews of me explaining…. and uncomprehending interviewers chirping, “It’s sounds better than the phone. I’m going to have to try that!”

    We transmitted between Cowboys on Everest and the NSF-funded station in the South Pole. ….just for fun.

    Since then, it has gotten better — and worse. The pure *logic* of my Intertec Superbrain 64KB machine was complicated, but sane. Today…? ….Lady in Red

  3. In 1979 the electronics teacher (who was also the computer teacher) in my high school retired and the school board didn’t hire anyone to fill that spot saying “this computer stuff is just a fad”

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