It’s a Bit Sped Up, But Still Don’t Know Whether To Laugh Or SMH – IOTW Report

It’s a Bit Sped Up, But Still Don’t Know Whether To Laugh Or SMH

20 Comments on It’s a Bit Sped Up, But Still Don’t Know Whether To Laugh Or SMH

  1. carnivals … where you entrust your live to one simple worn-out cotter pin maybe, or maybe not, installed by a meth-addled Carnie grub.

    you roll the dice & take your chances … “hey, carnie! this ride’s safe, right?”
    ” … was last week in Hognuckle, Arkansas.”

  2. When I was 12-15 years old I always went down to the carney every summer (twice, 4th of July and Labor Day) to help set up and tear down. They had me turning nuts and bolts, how tight, I don’t know. Anyway, I never rode the rides and I got paid in cash at the end of the day. My mom wasn’t happy about what I was doing but she was happy I was bringing in some spending money.

  3. “We knew the risk before getting on that ride, the adventure was more important.” Famous last words of the Titan passengers. Well, I was laughing the whole time saying Oh Crap!

  4. We used to take my friends metal detector to where all the crazy rides were when the carnival left.
    We would find coins,keys, jewelry and assorted goodies. They eventually moved the carnival to a paved area and ruined out fun.


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