An Oxford mathematician has worked out a model demonstrating how difficult it is to keep a conspiracy secret.
He used three real conspiracy scandals (the NSA metadata program, Tuskegee syphilis experiments and FBI crime lab faking results) to build his model and applied it to four ongoing controversies that he believes are false conspiracies (faking the moon landing, global warming being a fraud, the anti-vaccine movement and pharma companies purposefully keeping cancer drugs off the market).
This guy needs to spend some time around Alex Jones.
This idiots initial premise is a false conspiracy. He wants to prove that the “conspiracy” that “climate change” is a fraud is invalid because it would have unraveled by now if “climate change” were indeed a fraud. No sane person believes that the climate doesn’t change to some extent constantly. The whole issue is that the effect that man has on “climate change” is infinitesimally small, but his “theorem” does nothing to address this fact.
Hell, he got that one right; it HAS been exposed as a fraud already.
Is that guy with the cat Mr.Pinko?
I don’t need a boneheaded academic from Oxford to do a study to state the obvious.
G. Gordon Liddy said all I need to know about conspiracies years ago… “Three people can keep a secret as long as two of them are dead.”
Thats right it has already been proven a hoax.
Is just one article discussing the emails that were ‘hacked’ and released showing climate ‘scientists’ colluding to falsify the global warming science.
The ‘97%’ agreement among ‘climate scientists’ is a joke too. My understanding of THAT fiasco is that there was one poll on one website one time and about 85 scientists took this unscientific poll and on THAT one poll 97% of the ‘scientists’ agreed that global warming was a thing.
More here:
The flaw isn’t the guy’s mathematical model or his, obvious predilection for the Globaloney Warming Hoax, but in his confusion on a conspiracy being “outed” and being “publicly outed.” Most conspiracies are known to quite a few people as soon as the conspirators conspire – eg the First Triumvirate, the Second Triumvirate, Catiline, Socialism, Globaloney Warming, Piltdown Man – but there isn’t public acclamation or public condemnation or widespread notoriety until some time later.
These conspiracies are also obvious to the discerning, but not so much to those who profit from them and insist upon a willfull protestation of ignorance. Some conspiracies are obvious from their occurrence – Amb. Stevens’ murder, for example.
Dunno, but the cat is clearly over this shit.