It’s a Shame That Some Are Making It So Tough For All – IOTW Report

It’s a Shame That Some Are Making It So Tough For All

I will clear up the confusion.

Tik Tok is one of the shittiest places on the internet. It’s a place where talentless people can pretend they are talented and get food pellets and pats on the head from other talentless people. It’s sort of like Facebook, where obviously less than “beautiful” people update their profile picture and other homely people tell them how gorgeous they are.

Let me explain a bit more.

A common theme on Tik Tok is for some complete nobody to lip-sync comedy routines of famous comedians, upload them and get lauded by other complete nobodies.

It’s annoying.

One woman has gotten famous on Tik Tok for painting her face with a little face and lip-syncs famous songs. It’s kind of charming and funny, if not a bit derivative, with much reliance on another talent for her to leverage her talent. But, as is the case on Tik Tok, others have copied her, painstakingly, and people applaud the best imitators.

So, with that as a background, what is going on in this video with the angry black lady mad at Drew Barrymore?

Well, apparently some talentless male black nobody uploaded a Tik Tok of himself “frolicking” in the grass. This was some sort of statement about black empowerment, yada, yada, yada. So, not only did other dumb black Tik Tok males immediately do their copycat videos, a black woman threw a “genius” copycat curveball and uploaded a “frolicking in the rain” version for black women.

Drew, white Drew, had the AUDACITY to do her version, not realizing that this would be an affront to angry blacks that hate white people, who seek to carve out cultural, divisive crapola that they, and they alone, own.

Poor Drew stepped into the retarded black arena where white people are lynched after stepping into the black trap.

I cannot stand that these games are being played by shitty black people, at the expense of black people who simply want to be Americans like all Americans, and not be lumped into this juvenile and petty cultural war that is tearing America apart.

I’m afraid race relations will never be healed because there are shitstains like the woman above who do not want “everyone to just get along.” Somehow they get off on this unusual power trip that makes them feel like Queens. Unfortunately, they are the Queen of Idiocracy.

34 Comments on It’s a Shame That Some Are Making It So Tough For All

  1. I tried to wrap my mind around this and it didn’t take long to see that in my opinion that all these folks are a waste of time. And I just wasted some time looking into it.

  2. And I feel as if I made a larger point with my essay, using Tik Tok as the vehicle, and you undermined it with a cavalier throwaway line about something I took a lot of time to prepare.

  3. Reminds me of ghetto blacks not liking whiteys picking up on their slang and purposely inventing new slang to separate themselves again.

    None of which helps them gain employment and independence.

    She’s as racist as any KKK ever was.

  4. First off, I wish the authors here would do more of their own writing and post it. Yes, I get that the site was designed as an aggregate for right-leaning content from other news sources but I view this site as a community of people, and anytime we can learn more about the people in this community, as opposed to another mass distributed post from some nameless person who is NOT part of the community, I’m all for it.

    In fact (note to BFH) I would like to see a new feature on the site. One day a week one of our regulars gets to post something near and dear to his/her heart that would either spur debate or reveal something about his positions/morals in life that would benefit others in the community, preferably both. We have some smart folks as regulars here and original content, stuff that was thoughtfully prepared, is much better than something else I could read on a hundred different sites. Just a suggestion.

    As to the topic at hand, I doubt anyone here has ever posted a tik-tok video so alerting the community about dangerous/nefarious stuff there, acknowledging that it is a big part of our culture and influences millions, is beneficial, thus, the popularity of “libs on tiktok”. But I look at it more for the ridicule and entertainment angle with the tag of,”these people are so stupid that……….”.

    If this woman was not revealing her ignorance/racism on tik-tok, she would just be doing the same thing at her next crack party or at the back of the welfare line at her local social services department.

  5. Guess these ignorant black leftist trolls, who appropriate “white” culture 24/7 never heard the expression, “Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery that mediocrity can pay to greatness.” A saying originated by Oscar Wilde – a 19th century gay writer. A person all leftists worship, even though he’s white.
    Instead the black idiots go negative. Another example of endless irony of the left and their self righteous puppeted Tik Tok black “creators”.

  6. On point Essay BFH and I would like to second Rich Taylors advise. More original content will definitely drive more traffic and clicks. Guest posts from some of the regulars around here would be a real Hoot.


  7. So this whack job of a person is mad because Drew Barrymore frolicked in the rain and only black women are allowed to do that.
    Mad black “queen” says Drew is being derogatory and racist.
    Mad black “queen” then calls white people a derogatory name.

    No wonder most of the black population votes Dirty Dem. They like that 2 tiered justice system.

  8. BFH August 26, 2022 at 12:37 pm

    BTW, “8.5 x 11” is a derogatory way of referring to white people.
    But that’s okay, “Gangrene Pinky Toe.”

    (I feel like a child having said that.)

    I must be living under a rock, never heard that 8.5 x 11 before–must be an east coast thing. As for being white, yep, and proud of it. Nothing wrong with cracker either…better than being called a knee-grow toe also known as a Brazil nut.

  9. I’ve had similar thoughts about people on Tik Tok during the relatively few times I’ve watched something on that channel. But also, on Youtube.

    I really hate all of it. Thanks for posting your analysis, BFH. Spot on.

  10. Also, saying that something pissed me off does not mean I hold anything personal against anyone voicing their opinion.

    But I also reserve the right to voice my opinion without fear that it’s personal.

    We are all doing our best, and this community is bigger than any one component, including myself.

    I feel as if I can say what I say because I just think of myself as the guy that happens to have the key to the men’s room around here. In fact, I like Rich Taylor’s idea, which is in keeping with my philosophy.
    Hopefully I will be able to write a bit about it later on.

  11. Out of all of my friends of color or different ethnicity, I don’t know of any of them that would “Frolic” in the rain of even give a shit about it. Although I do have this one Asian friend who will go outside during a thunderstorm just to try to bet the perfect picture of a lightning strike!

  12. This poor woman, from the second she wakes up to the second she goes to sleep, and even in her dreams she is consumed with irrational hate for Whitey.

    Perhaps she realizes that 24 hours a day, 7 days a week she is surrounded by the products, goods, foods, electronics, garments, technology and medicine that Whitey has endeavored to create over the centuries.

    Those earbuds that use Bluetooth technology to connect to an iPhone and using a Chinese app are just the more obvious items this bitch is too ignorant to realize how fucking much she owes to other cultures.
    Sorry dumbass, nothing new under the sun.

    BTW, why do we have all these “first black” blah blah blahs in 2022?
    Because some of you motherfuckers have finally gotten off your ass and joined the rest of the productive world!

  13. I don’t do social media, but my kids do, and I pick up on some of the stuff from them. It’s good to dip your toes in without diving in, just to maintain situational awareness, and not get blindsided by some hair-trigger freak in meatspace who might take offense at your failure to live in his or her tik-tok world. Social media amplifies and legitimizes insanity and there a more and more people who mistake social media for the real world.

    My wife and I recently found out that our neighborhood has had a facebook page for years, and apparently people get pretty worked up about some things in there. We had been blissfully unaware of all of this until a minor event involving a vagrant on a neighbors property sparked a conversation with another neighbor. Nothing I really needed to know, but the emotion and energy apparently expended on Facebook by the neighbors told me there was a lot brewing beneath the surface around me, yet I was blissfully ignorant. Hell, they might have gotten worked up about me before, but I wouldn’t know or care. Unless somebody decides to take it out of social media and up to my front door without warning. Social media denizens seem to feel more entitled to do that.

    Anyway, I worry that my young adult children spend too much time on Tik-Tok and such, but that’s the world they’ll inherit, and right now, they are too busy with school, work, BFs and GFs to let that trivial stuff run their lives. I hope it stays that way, and I pity that toxic, bitter fool who is so wrapped up in that sick neverland known as Tik-Tok.

  14. \”First black\” or \”First\” anything is socialist benchmark labeling by the left. It\’s a way communists implement divide and conquer – resent and hate. Part of the protected class ideology or what the left calls diversity. Posturing as a better alternative to capitalism – which communism is not.

    Attention to ethnicity is not, and should not be a priority in a capitalist system. Historical record is enough evidence of noteworthy achievements without the need to focus on \”race\”.

  15. Mr. Hat and Rich Taylor,
    I thought that’s what we were doing with our comments.
    Mr. Hat, you have given us (except for James Hines) unfettered access to comment, complain, bitch, and make fun of all the myriad posts.

    I, for one, thank you.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  16. @Tim

    You are missing the point, at least the one I was trying to make.

    Grabbing a link from Breitbart, Revolver, or Gateway Pundit and posting that is fine, they are usually topical or worthy of discussion. But BFH had something on his mind specific to an area he felt moved to write about. He had an opinion about an issue and took the time to flesh out that opinion. Throwing stuff up that others wrote, that’s cool, but taking the time in crafting your own opinion piece gives us greater insights into people within our community, aside from just a quippy one-liner. This is what I find valuable.

    And sometimes an issue weighs that has not been brought up here, an issue that you feel strongly about and would like the opportunity to write about it yourself.

    I’ve authored blogs in the past and understand the effort required to write a (good) piece that is timely, topical, contentious, and interesting. And I think it would provide an even more cohesive community, a place where you can bare your soul, and do it among friends.

  17. Not knowing anything about posting to tik-toc, could someone do a video of an idiot looking up at the rain and drowning then post it there? Perhaps a bunch of these idiots would copy and try to outdo the original by actually drowning themselves in the rain like a shed full of domestic turkeys.

    I find it really hard to take sides on tik toc when I don’t like any of them or any part of the platform. I can’t help that it’s popular in the culture, but I sure can dislike how it’s dumping people down and rewarding them for being stupider.

  18. Mr. Taylor,
    I got the point (I think). I don’t blog, don’t do much of anything, really, and Mr. Hat, MJA, Dr. Tar, Claudia, are doing the heavy lifting here. I don’t know how, or what kind, of burden you’re suggesting would be to iOTWReport. I don’t even know how the letters I type end up where they do! However, if Mr. Hat, think it’s a good idea, and doable, then I’m all for it!


    As for “baring” my soul, I have no intention – I strive to be light-hearted and offer humorous comments. But really – CARRY ON!

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  19. I’m late to the party, but Different Tim, if you think you can do it better, then start your own site.

    And to BFH and staff, I am deeply appreciative of everything you do.

  20. I also appreciate everything done here. Especially where I’ve been given the opportunity to express my opinion without being canceled. Never expect my opinions to be popular and don’t care. I am who I am and don’t give a damn how others think about it.

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