It’s All Bull$hit – IOTW Report

It’s All Bull$hit

34 Comments on It’s All Bull$hit

  1. Yes, it’s all bullshit, and furthermore it’s bullshit with land mines in it, snipers watching it, artillery zeroed in on it, and surface-to-surface missiles fueled and just waiting on a button push.

  2. Decent litmus test. If you didn’t already know this, you’re indoctrinated or an idiot.

    Which I’m sorry to say is about 50% of our population. Painful to contemplate, but irrefutable.

  3. My memory kinda sucks, but I thought I remember during the 2020 election that when President Trump brought up the shady dealings of the Biden Crime Family Syndicate, all of the talking heads and political pundits in the MSM were saying that if Trump were to investigate his political oponent, it would be an abuse of power. What happened to that?

  4. *Off topic*
    They just aired the first biden* Harris 2024 commercial.
    I nearly vomited.
    It’s full of the usual lies and propaganda.
    It has joe* the energetic guy running around.
    The full compliment of victims, er, minorities were included…

  5. @ Brad: “I want to see some heads on pikes. Ive thought about it long and hard and have decided that’s what we need. All over capital hill. God knows we have enough to go around.”

    It really pains me no end to agree. Once we go there, there is no road back. Human history as long as it has been recorded speaks of times like this. It seldom speaks of the effects it has on the lives of the participants. Perhaps that is best.

  6. Taking the second law of thermodynamics in to account: as one goes forward in time, the net entropy (degree of disorder) of any isolated or closed system will always increase (or at least stay the same), what we are seeing is a natural progression of things.

    It’s going to end, folks. The real question is what side will be left standing? To be perfectly honest, I don’t care for anyone’s politics, I just wanna know who’s head I’m gonna have to turn into a canoe when the time comes. I hate fucking losing.

  7. @Lowell

    I know there are military people who hate what is happening to America as much as we conservative civilians do.

    We can’t start, or hope to win, a civil war without their support, and in fact, their leadership. To do without that would be suicide. We have to have our Generals Lees and Jacksons to stand up (no not for slavery, although fruitcake Anon will proclaim it so).

    Such a thing has to be the most difficult decision for a military leader to do, i.e., going up against the government that he is sworn to protect.

    Remember, M. Robespierre finally met M. Guillotine, and Col. Stauffenberg faced a firing squad for taking a stand against fascist Germany.

    I am fed up as much as anyone by the all evil and the railroading of President Trump. But, I don’t really know what to do. Voting for local conservative candidates is like applying a band-aid to a broken leg. It’s hardly worth the effort.

  8. Anonymous’ sounds like he/she/it/they/them is/are full of shit, which is to be expected from liberal, uneducated, robot-minded, dumb-fucks.
    I would pity them but it doesn’t help the situation….shooting is the only sure remedy.

  9. @Tim Buktu

    Just remember that DHS has bought billions (with a B) rounds of ammunition, various calibers including rifle rounds (they prefer not to see your face when they gun you down) over the last few years. They know that the people can only be pushed so far. However, with the COVID restrictions they learned that the people can be bullied into just about anything.

  10. @JB

    Of course we can. Jeb Stuart was the greatest cavalry leader on either side. And I would also add Gen. Forrest and a bunch of others. Alas, trying to keep posts as short as possible is the culprit here. Man for man, the Confederate Army was a lot better than the Union Army, from what I’ve read.

  11. Lowell, I hope yo can read this before it slides into obscurity. I have the cutest little year and a half old grand daughter ever. And she loves Grandpa. I look at my kids who’s current future seems pretty bright. But old guys like you and I can see the coming storm. And quite frankly I just don’t feel like dealing with their shit. And I sure as hell am not going to let them screw up the future of my descendants. We are far from alone.


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