It’s All Fun Until Someone Gets Hurt – IOTW Report

It’s All Fun Until Someone Gets Hurt

I can’t hold this back any longer…

In the past 72 hours, we’ve seen vicious and violent attacks and assaults by the leftist progressive socialists against conservatives. And I want to warn these savage anarchists and rioters just as the ol’ folks would advise us, “it’s all fun until someone gets hurt.”

The images emanating from inauguration day, California-Berkeley, and NYU need cause us major concern. That, combined with the lack of any condemnation from Democrat Party leaders and the embracing of these violent acts by prominent leftists, is very disconcerting.

Can anyone imagine what the liberal progressive media would have been saying if this were back in 2009 and we were two weeks into the Obama administration and these actions were happening? The duplicitous hypocrisy is astounding, and the blatant disregard and dismissal from reporting by the leftist media is telling.

And to think that they’re blaming not the ones conducting the assault, but the targets of the assaults as the source of this anger. It is as if the left is telling America, since you didn’t vote how we wanted you to, you shall suffer the consequences of our anger, our savagery. And yes, that’s exactly what it is. It’s domestic terrorism and barbarism to spit on people, spray them with pepper spray — and how many times must we see or hear about killing the President of the United States?

See, it’s all fun for the left until someone gets hurt…and here it is bluntly, I am talking about when one of these anarchists and violent rioters crosses the line with the one person — and gets hit back.


24 Comments on It’s All Fun Until Someone Gets Hurt

  1. Unfortunately, Mr. West is correct. Wont be long either. The left will dress someone in a MAGA shirt and hat and he will go in swinging.

    In front of cameras of course.

  2. Except in Berkeley our ambassador wasn’t being drug through the street half naked and assaulted. Give those Soros funded pricks time and they may yet feel our wrath–Unlike moozlum swine in Benghazi.

  3. The opportunity for someone getting hurt looks to present itself soon. Milo says he’s going back to Bazerkly and he has a special guest. I’m not sure where he’s going with the special guest thing, but if he goes back I will predict some of those skinny ass Antifa cowards are going to be getting their asses handed to the wholesale by fed up conservatives.

  4. “I hope Milo is going back with Bikers For Trump.”

    Wouldn’t that be fun. I know 10 or so guys at the gym that said next time they’d show up. Total accumulated body weight is somewhere around 2,700 pounds.

  5. How about this?
    A protest starts, shit starts getting ugly, the Police set up a perimeter.
    Once the perimeter is secure a PA system tells the crowd they have five minutes to leave.
    Anybody approaches the perimeter from the inside in that five minutes, is let out.
    After the five minutes are up the perimeter is closed and tightens until the protestors are boxed and then out come the rubber bullets until everybody surrenders and is in cuffs.
    Everybody gets a felony.
    Let’s see how cool dear old Dad is after he gets done paying for your defense.

  6. When and If Law enforcement enforces the law, the judicial system looks the other way.
    Looks as though the Socialists, Marxists, Anarchist, Islamists, progressive democrats are hell bent to complete what Obama started. Ripping apart the fabric of our Nation.

  7. If any of these bastards show up in Guy Fawkes masks or any other face covering, plus dressed in anarchy black – lock the bastards up IMMEDIATELY!! Haul their asses outta there!! No screwing around!!! It was totally apparent in photos and videos from Berkeley that these assholes were there to start trouble. You want due process?? From a jail cell maybe. And club a few of them just for fun!!

  8. As Poor Lazlo said, this perimeter should be surrounded by lights . When GREEN: everything’s OK. Turning yellow:: warning to get out, because the light can turn RED anytime now!

    It’s fair and legal warning for those who are really serious about destroying and ready to accept all the consequences (legal and physical0

    Coupled with the same loud colour-coded verbal warnings, it’s now merely a synchronized tango for two camps.

  9. Problem with the police is that all of this crap takes place in liberal strongholds; Universities pretty much indoctrinate kids into being mindless socialists/marxists/SJWs/feminazis etc. The Berkley riots took place at UC Berkley for chrissakes, which is in San Francisco, which is a proud Sanctuary City, in the state of California, which is a Sanctuary State. Reports from the riot area said that the Campus Police, and the Local Police pretty much stood off and let shit happen. No word on whether or not such action was ordered by University and City officials.

    The only way that this kind of far left ubertantrum will ever be shut down is when the people who actually have jobs get tired of traffic jams and such that keep them from their intended destinations in a timely manner. So far, these people have shown amazing patience in dealing with the spoiled, stompy feet tantrums, and will continue to be patient…until it’s time to not be patient, then there will be some major violence done to the far left and their violent puppets.

    My hope is that when the time for patience ends, and the left has been beaten back into the closets and under the rocks from whence they slunk/slithered from, that the REAL instigator of all of this left wing violence gets his come uppance, be it from arrest and incarceration from those in power,who will do anything to stay in power, or from the conservative majority, with not pitchforks and torches, but with ARs and Molotov Cocktails.

    Are you paying attention, George Soros?

  10. When it finally happens, and it will, that’ll be the acid test of how much influence the Left still has over the collective perceptiona of the nation. They’ll try to spin it as usual, but will it work? If it were just the old networks and cable I’d say no, but with FB and practically all social media infested with the Left’s 24/7 disinfo agents, it’s a tough call.

  11. When it comes to libroids on the ass of society, I say it’s funny until one of their own, or someone who has been paid to be there and cause anarchy hurts them, and then it’s hilarious.

    No mercy.

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