It’s All Going to Plan, For Democrats – IOTW Report

It’s All Going to Plan, For Democrats

The Federalist

The Democrat Party is well on its way to fundamentally changing Americaโ€™s demographics, all to secure what they believe will eventually become an unbeatable coalition of new voters. To understand the progress theyโ€™ve made, consider that in 2018, research conducted at MIT and Yale determined that the most accurate population estimate of illegal aliens residing in the U.S. was 22.1 million. Given the staggering surge of illegal aliens under the Biden administration, that estimate would now be in the range of 30-plus million. To put that into perspective, if we created a 51st state comprised entirely of illegal aliens, its population would be larger than every state except California, and it would be 77 percent of the entire population of Canada. More

I wonder if the illegals will replace democrats with candidates that more close resemble them. – Dr. Tar

16 Comments on It’s All Going to Plan, For Democrats

  1. This is the fundamental change the Halfrican was striving for. Apparently blonde hair and blue eyes are repulsive to some people. They will also fundamentally change innovation and our economy. We will become, and are becoming for that matter, just another third world shit hole. The rest of the world will ultimately pay the price.

  2. @Beachmom
    Give each one $2,000 and a plane flight home. Many will jump on it after arriving here and realizing their life here will suck worse than where they came from. This is much cheaper than the cost of keeping them here.

  3. Illegal aliens are still deportable for now. Dems still need amnesty and citizenship in the next few months. We need mass deportation and treason convictions IF we can stop them from stealing another election. Trump 2024.

  4. “Brandon” and the Traitor, Obama, knowingly and voluntarily have already forfeited their American Citizenship, Spiritual Faith and Reason a long time ago for what they have created from the hands on their balls by the likes of Soros’, his criminal son and the the Century thieves and Global perverts of the world to date.

    All thatโ€™s left for them now is Treason, lies to cover their Treason, the exposure of Mike’s genitals to the world and eventual Death for them and their genocidal leaders.

    GOT THAT!?

  5. These morons don’t understand that soon they will be replaced by Mexican name of your choice. Polosi- Gonzales Shumer- Ortiz and so on. They don’t think that these new immigrants will vote them out.

  6. ^^^^^
    I don’t know that I’m as worried about the Mexicans as much as I am the Chinese and the Venezuelans. All military age fighting men. Don’t forget Venezuela is a Chicom proxy.
    Having said that, they ALL need to get the fuck out of my country.

  7. It’s the long game. The first, most visible generation doesn’t matter. The subsequent generations are automatic citizens. If 30+ mil have at least one baby, the goal is complete. Heck, if 50% accomplish that…

  8. Tsquared

    A legit point however I figure any terrorist attack will occur in a heavily populated Dem shit hole. The chickens will be coming home. The Chinese are smart enough to go after the conservatives.

  9. I believe each sovereign state, after secession, will deport these vermin back to whatever turdhole they crawled out of. And then begins the hangings, unless we get to them first

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