“…it’s all on tape” – D. Trump – IOTW Report

“…it’s all on tape” – D. Trump

Fauci and the media have their new narrative for the sheeple, that Trump was an agent of inaction and “lives could have been saved” had he taken appropriate steps toward combatting coronavirus.

Trump issued a non-essential travel ban while Fauci was telling everyone the coronavirus was not a threat to Americans.

They are doing this in plain site. How stupid do they think people are? (Non lefties, I mean.)

much more HERE

28 Comments on “…it’s all on tape” – D. Trump

  1. Quit reporting numbers as gross numbers and report them as per capita numbers instead.

    That “lives could have been saved” stuff becomes rather uninteresting and not at all scary sounding when you do that.

    Which is why no one is doing it.

  2. Well of course they’re going to impeach him for this. Just like with Jeff Sessions, they’re trying to make it problematic to get rid of Fauci. Similar to Perfect Phone Phone call, they’ve got Deepies chattering in self-serving leaked emails, but Trump has the transcripts of the public statements and the fact of his actions. But it won’t stop them. And since Pence is head of the Chinavirus response effort, they’ll probably impeach him, too.

    The Dems are enjoying their newfound power as plague despots, and they are going to plunge headlong into the next coup attempt if they can keep us locked down long enough.

  3. All the more reason to un-elect every democRAT-Bastard as possible in November! It is the only hope for the country and the only hope to get these out-of-control, bought & paid propaganda-pushers (called the MSM) under control!

  4. At the tail end of January, Trump ordered a travel ban on China while the Democrats were still obsessed with their farcical impeachment attempt. The progs denounced Trump as xenophobic and racist for doing it. Who demonstrated more actual concern for the well-being of the American people?

  5. If CNN were a LEGITIMATE news channel, their interviewer Tapper would have IMMEDIATELY asked Fauci about his later statements giving the all clear.
    And they would air those statements from Fauci whenever this story is aired.
    But CNN is clearly NOT legitimate.
    – And Tapper isn’t very bright.

  6. Trump needs to vet his information spokes persons much closer before bringing them up to a camera or mike with him. How about political back-ground checks for large donations and hate-book posts for past 8 yrs? Really, TDS is spread by contact and rampant in Washington.

  7. supertoe
    APRIL 13, 2020 AT 9:35 AM
    “From this moment on I shall call him Dr.Fauxci”

    Dr. Faust works for him too, he CLEARLY has a deal with Mephistopheles…

    “Faust or Faustus is a scholar who sells his soul to the Devil. Although fictional in literature, the legend is based on an astrologer and alchemist who lived in the area of northern Germany in the fifteenth century.
    Trained in theology, he turns to magic and makes a perilous deal with the Devil in which he commits his soul to eternal damnation in return for power and knowledge in this life. But he is only human, and arrogant and reckless. Can Faust — or anyone — wield the powers of God or resist the temptations of the Devil?”


    …yep, although HIS pact is with Hillary, basically the same thing…


  8. Fauci clearly has contempt for Trump, but he should not be fired. Remember, “keep your friends close, and your enemies closer”. Trump can control Fauci while he remains at CDC, but if he were fired, he’d become a fixture on CNN, MSNBC, Late night, and Schitt’s new impeachment committee.

  9. Dr. Fauci wanted people to catch coronavirus. He has strong connections and economic ties to GlaxoSmithKline the pharmaceutical company that owns the patent on coronavirus and sells vaccines.

  10. It should be a simple 2 minute conversation with Fauci in the Oval Office.

    Do you think you are the right person to help the people of this country?

    Do you want to continue in that capacity?

    Can you do it without trying to throw me under the bus and blame me for every death since the Chicoms launched their biological warfare on our shores?

    If you said “yes” to all of those questions, then do your goddamn fucking job and quit running your fucking mouth about me.

    Do it again and you’ll be watching your successor from the sidlelines.



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