It’s Always Those Dangerous White Supremacists – IOTW Report

It’s Always Those Dangerous White Supremacists

33 Comments on It’s Always Those Dangerous White Supremacists

  1. What a touching display of gratitude. I’m quite certain he was attempting to make the firefighter feel a part of his ‘hood, not expressing any general contempt for human life. The Wakandans are well known for their outbursts of civility.

  2. That’s something you need to be aware of. I had to disarm patients twice, both times happily a knife and they didn’t know how to use it effectively while lying on their backs.

    Just because YOU want to help a person doesn’t mean it follows that they will be grateful or even WANT you yo.

    Sometimes, they may just think you’re a vampire.

    …some of the worst are people you narc to get them breathing again. They worked HARD to get that high and they are passed that YOU ENDED IT. You need to be ready to fight when you hit someone with injectable Narcan, because THEY might be. And there are people who will tell you it’s just the drug, but I had a guy say “I’LL FUCKING KILL YOU!” and MEAN it when I was the first face he saw on his abrupt return from the Halls Of King Heroin, so yeah, they ain’t happy about that.

    Maybe I had three disarms, if you count the time a helpful cop tossed the Buck folder I had checked at the Sally port onto my patient/his prisoner’s lap just before we departed, but the surprised guy never actually touched it so maybe not, different story for another day…

  3. Not sure why, philosophically, we intervene in these cases. While it may look like a medical emergency to an outside observer, isn’t it really their choice/culture and arent we supposed to respect that above all?

    As stated above, who are we to forcibly remove a person from the warm embrace of their “king?”

  4. Sippin’ Coffee
    FRIDAY, 17 NOVEMBER 2023, 9:41 AT 9:41 AM
    “Not sure why, philosophically, we intervene in these cases. While it may look like a medical emergency to an outside observer, isn’t it really their choice/culture and arent we supposed to respect that above all?”

    …these were medics engaged in their sworn duty, which means they can’t pick their patients. Only God knows which lives are worth saving, and your Oath is to HIM.

    …I personally, while treating everyone regardless, often went mentally back and forth myself over this very issue, but from both professional and personal experience as well as coming to the Lord, as for me and my house, we serve Him, and His will is that everyone gets as many chances as possible to come to Him for their own salvation, and if it lies within my abilities to prolong their life to have another chance to do so, then I owe it not to the patient, but to the Lord.

    I’ve gone over this at length on this site, so I won’t repeat. One such is in the comment section here, if you’re interested.

    …whatever anyone else may think of them, God loves them.

    Life is risk.

    If someone isn’t willing to accept that risk, they shouldn’t take that job.

    I don’t want to be eaten by I lion, so I’m not a zookeeper. I don’t want to drown at sea, so I’m not a sailor.

    In this case, it’s that simple. Keep your guard up and always be prepared to run, fight, or talk fast, as the situation demands; and above all, be prepared in the Lord to die.

  5. I’m just surprised that he didn’t wake up totally pissed off that someone would dare to ruin his high! As far as I’m concerned it’s his choice, his eternity. Save the Narcan for someone who deserves it!

  6. The shame of all of this is that it’s just not a story where the race is meaningless. The media, academics and politicians have caused a divide with their calculated attack on whiteness.

    If white people are racist, I wonder what causes it? When you’re told you suck because you are white, of course white people will get defensive, as well as offensive.

  7. Call me naive, but I just wouldn’t expect this in Appleton. Milwaukee, of course, Racine no brainer, on any number of Indian reservations, sure.

    And for those advocates for legalizing all drugs, what’s your rational to this family that lost their father?

  8. Rule of thumb, two or more head for the door. Don’t bother to fight one on one, it isn’t happening, every negro within two blocks will be getting their licks in. Be safe.

  9. Ed357
    FRIDAY, 17 NOVEMBER 2023, 11:56 AT 11:56 AM
    “You want to abuse drugs….
    buy your own damn can of Narcan.”

    …most states give it out “for free” now in “Harm Reduction” programs. It’s nasal, not injectable, so maybe you have time to get clear before the fight starts.

    …if you know that’s a risk, of course…

  10. …but it’s hard to give yourself Narcan, since you’re most likely technically dead at the time. Most folks work in teams to narc each other. That works until it doesn’t. I carried a casket for the son of a dear friend at an example of what happens when one of the tag team gets impatient…

  11. BUBBA – you may be right sir, but all I know is that Lester Maddox, George Wallace, Robert Byrd, Al Gore Sr, Orville Faubus, Overton Brooks, Russell B. Long, John H. Overton, John Sparkman, Strom Thurmond, Fielding L. Wright (to name but a “smidgeon” of some of the most virulent outright racist democRat politicians in history) were unavailable to comment on the party that started the whole KKK thang…

  12. Aaaaaaaaaaand furthermore, this “stupid Republican” can still vividly remember life before being an islamophobe, a racist, a White Supremacist, a misogynist, a sexist, a xenophobe, a homophobe and a Capitalist pig… just wallowing thru life as a hard-working, over-taxed, God-fearing, law-abiding citizen trying to make an honest living for me and my family without expecting anything from Uncle Sucker because my ‘White Privilege’ never allowed me to consistently function at a mediocre level of ‘Suck’ while getting paid for the color of my skin!

  13. Geni
    SATURDAY, 18 NOVEMBER 2023, 18:17 AT 6:17 PM
    “Happy to see that the Tunnel to Towers Foundation will be assisting the Firefighter’s Family.”

    Paid off their mortgage.

    It’s a good organization.

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