It’s been a rough year for revenue – IOTW Report

It’s been a rough year for revenue

iOTWreport never had more traffic than in 2017. Well over a million eyeballs hit our posts for 12 consecutive months, and I thank you all for visiting, disseminating the news, offering opinions, being provocative, smart and funny.

Ironically, 2017 is the lowest amount, in terms of revenue, that we’ve ever earned. We’re extremely worried about 2018. Google Chrome is lowering the boom on February 15th. Any site that has an ad that is not approved by Google’s standards will have all ads blocked by the Chrome browser. (Why do I think progressive sites will be benefitting from this and conservative sites will never meet their standard?)

Well, when they zig, we will zag. We will survive.

All I ask this Christmas is that people who call this their second home think of us when they are putting their gifts under the tree. We’re not looking for Tiffany, we’re talking a 12 pack of tube socks. The gift you get for that pop-in on Christmas Eve.

The Paypal button is in the right sidebar.

I know many do not use Paypal, but you can contact me at and we will let you know how to write us a check. Believe it or not, the bank doesn’t recognize BigFurHat as a real human being!!! We have a reader that has volunteered to accept the checks to keep our anonymity intact. (Remember, I am a person of interest amongst the muzzie community because of my work with AFDI. It’s been a bit of a curse, and also something I am proud of, since becoming a part of the counter-jihad movement. )

This appeal is not for anyone who has already done their part, and you know who you are!!! The same people are not to be expected to carry the weight of keeping this community held together. Please heed this wish.

But if you’re a regular reader/commenter, or a regular lurker, or a conservative who understands the need for sites like ours to continue taking it to the left, please consider a very small contribution. (I don’t hold a non-donation against anyone, so do not factor guilt into this appeal. I know how rough things are for many people, and you are all welcome here no matter your economic station at this moment in time.)

I thank you ALL, and please have yourselves a Merry BIG Christmas!




39 Comments on It’s been a rough year for revenue

  1. Lucky for you I just bought $10.00 worth of powerball tickets, and $10.00 worth mega millions. At least I think that’s what they are called. Fingers crossed.

    All kidding aside, help the brother out. You know how hard it is for him to have to post this. For you newbies, his butthole has been puckered for two days just thinking about having to make this post. He hates it because he is a good man.

  2. Shake N’ Bake…

    This was so difficult for me that it took months to write, not days.
    I think you know that first person, because I was telling you all about this months ago.

    I didn’t want to pull the trigger, but our ad supplier paid us 23 dollars yesterday. In Q4.
    This is dire.
    But we have plans for 2018 that won’t rely on Google. I hope it works.

    We are not asking the readership to replace Google… we need a leg up to get us to our new plans. That’s all.

  3. Tee shirts, hats, coffee mugs, bumper stickers, etc. I would be oh so happy to wear an iotwreport shirt. I will make special trips into the lions den of Oberlin college land and display it proudly while we play the “ is it a girl or a boy “ game.

    Start small. Get some shirts. If you make enough, expand a bit. Maybe try mugs, and call them “Smug mugs” . I’m just spit balling here

  4. @BFH – If there’s even a tiny bit of green left on those two “dead” palms, they might be salvageable. Palms need to be fed. Home Depot or Lowes or your LGS (local garden store in this case) will be glad to sell you palm food. I use the ones that come in the form of stakes you pound into the ground around the trunk. I saved our lone palm last year after my ignorance about palm-feeding was corrected.

  5. I had this crazy dream where a friend dragged me down to meet BFH. Making it short, we arrive and there are 2 straight chairs with trouble lights shining on them. We had to sit in the chairs and could barely see a BFH silhouette. We did get to talk though. Strange damn dream. I needed the bathroom and yours was straight out of time warp with coppertone fixtures. The dream ended with 6 of my cats showing up in the bathroom, swinging on the shower curtain and knocking stuff off the counter.

    Must have been the spicy fish tikka or the Excedrin that inspired that.
    I’m dreaming of a BFH Christmas or something. So send money ’cause that coppertone bathroom in my dreams has to go.

    Merry Christmas to all!

  6. BFH I just made a donation. I know we have had our differences but I like this site and we all want AMERICA to be great. Hope 2018 is better for everyone on this site! TAX CUTS will help me.
    Marry Christmas.

  7. Would it help your sites monetization if I switch browsers? If so, which do I use? Internets Exploder, Mozilla Firefucks?

    Can I mail you a check to your PO box in PSL the Puzzle Fo Shizzle? Make it out to iotwreport? (I have new custom photo checks. You’ll laugh your ass off when you see it)

  8. Over the years I had gotten a few checks addressed to Zilla in the mail. I just endorsed the check as Zilla and then signed my name beneath that so it was like Zilla signed the check over to Marianne. Nobody complained, but I don’t have to protect my identity from fatwa like you do. Just saying if you get a check to BFH, have BFH sign it and then the next person who signs it should be able to cash it. Hope that helps!

  9. This is why artists have agents: they hate asking for the sale. (Most of them don’t mind asking for grants, though…) But you have to remember, your conservative audience is evil and rich and we’re all about enjoying the fruits of your labor while keeping you poor. Actually, if we were rich, we’d keep you in grand style; until then, please do nudge us in the direction of the tip jar from time to time because we’re not stingy, just forgetful.

  10. Mr Z and I gave three figures after hurricane Irma – those crazy kids at IOTWr kept the sit up and running with new posts, without interruption, in spite of Irma, tornadoes, and power outages.

    Paypal was the easiest way to donate.

    Do it now or regret losing IOTWr because you didn’t. Even if you can only give a dollar it’s easy to mail a dollar, though it costs .49 for a first class stamp.

    Pay pal on your credit card is easy with no threat of exposing BFH.

  11. Yup! Subscribed via Pay Pal. Don’t like Pay Pal, but for YOU….I’ll do it!! Love this crazy site! Even the equally crazy commenters. Ask and ye shall receive. HAPPY Christmas and hope for an even better New Year! MAGA!

  12. Oh, there was flooding, I heard there was flooding in parts of Port St Lucie. I heard that rain was blowing in around doors in some places as well. I don’t know all the details, but it’s a good bet BFH was facing all or most of these problems. Apparently the wind was fierce. But all that didn’t interrupt IOTWr

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