It’s Been Awhile Since We Spotlighted a Predator Teacher – IOTW Report

It’s Been Awhile Since We Spotlighted a Predator Teacher

This one is Shelley Jo Duncan. She’s 48 and she is a cheerleading coach. She is the wife of the public schools superintendent. She was arrested for inappropriate texting and an alleged affair with a 14 year-old male.

She told him in a text that she wanted to give him oral sex with a cough drop in her mouth. That’s pretty Luden.

Alrighty then.



24 Comments on It’s Been Awhile Since We Spotlighted a Predator Teacher

  1. Think about this: The average male child predators doesn’t get caught until they have molested somewhere between 100-200 children. I don’t know what the stats are on women predators.

    “Prior to her stint as an English teacher, Duncan worked as a state parole and probation officer. Before that, she was employed as a juvenile justice affairs specialist.”

    She sure had a lucrative field of subjects with which to act out her perversions.

  2. almost as bad as a former ex president flying around on pedophile airlines to pedophile island with secret service protection accompanying him on our tax payer dime.

    how come these victim students don’t brag it up to their buddies after they do the teacher?
    is this a another result of our young men being raised by single moms?

  3. @JustAl: Compared to the Helen Thomas lookalikes I had for teachers when I was in school, she IS a hottie.

    My 14-year-old self would definitely have approved.

    As for my current self, no comment.


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