It’s come to this… – IOTW Report

It’s come to this…

ht/ nm

15 Comments on It’s come to this…

  1. Don’t laugh.

    Barky told the park rangers to harass old people busses taking people from national parks for no reason other than a budget fight with Congess.


    …you think Oz is bad?

    ….well, as “Dr” Jill once

    …and I don’t think she was kidding…

  2. This is the shit that happens when you let the government take your guns away from you. Wait until they start snatching kids to force the “vaccine” on them.

  3. Obama did it first. During the Gov. shutdown. Remember… when he put tarps up in DC to block the view of the National Park, even though it was just pathways and scenery for people to walk to their office and didn’t require a Park Rangers to monitor? Petty tyrant.

  4. 0bama tried the same kind of thing for real in the US during one of the shutdowns ‘closed the Grand Canyon’. Closed Yellowstone. Closed etc. Phony no good tyrants all of them. Hemp and light posts for all of them.

  5. Sydney, Australia is much like Sodom and Gomorrah and comparable to San Francisco. We met a lot of nice folks in Australia, however, you can’t get away from the homosexuals. Sitting in the hotel hot tub with DH, and here they come and joined us. WTF! One of them started hitting on DH. WTF! Last thing I said to them was “too bad you gave up your guns.”

  6. Walter Johnson August 22, 2021 at 5:46 pm

    Phony no good tyrants all of them. Hemp and light posts for all of them.
    Hemp? Obama would love some of that weed. He’d screw a light post to get the good Maui Wowee.

  7. They’ve taken to shooting dogs so people don’t have to take care of them and spread covid. They fire rubber bullets and bean bags at elderly protesters. Thousands of dollars in fines for breaking lockdown. Military patrolling the streets. A gunless citizenry sure gives the powers that be the balls to do these things.


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