It’s Cryin’ Time Again – IOTW Report

It’s Cryin’ Time Again


Trump a disaster, says guy whose tenure as House Speaker was a disaster.

A normal person would wonder why anyone runs to John Boehner for a take on what’s happening in Washington. Only the tenure of sexual predator Dennis Hastert saves Boehner from being the worst Republican House Speaker in the nation’s history. He allowed Barack Obama to run runshod over him on everything from spending to health care to immigration enforcement, and didn’t even seem to mind it all that much.

He was forced out by the base of his own party, which was tired of him making excuses for doing nothing with the majority he was given by voters in 2010, and again in 2012, and again in 2014. He may not have been responsible for the Obama agenda, but he was willing to use none of the power he had to try to stop it.

John Boehner failed as Speaker of the House. The country is in much worse shape than it needs to be because he had the job.

No one should ever listen to anything he says.


And yet here he is being treated as some sort of sage wise man, which can only mean one thing: Yep, much to the delight of the Associated Press, he’s been publicly trashing Donald Trump:

Former House Speaker John Boehner says that aside from international affairs and foreign policy, President Donald Trump’s time in office has so far been a “complete disaster.”



18 Comments on It’s Cryin’ Time Again

  1. No one needs faux-republicans like “Buck Owens” Boehner.
    It’s time for him and prostituting idiot John McCain and others
    to be OUSTED from the Republican party if the
    Republican Party is to have ANY credibility.

  2. Pelosi is crazy. And evil. But she got things done for the Democrats.
    Republican Speakers seem to have a common trait of getting nothing done for their base.

  3. I never wanted him to be the speaker in the first place, and I was like what, fifteen back then? I still knew that he was a jelly-spine, weakling, sell-out.

  4. Speaking at an energy conference in Houston?
    How much money was he paid to speak?
    Still getting kick backs after retirement for what he did and didn’t do as speaker.
    Another law needs to be made prohibiting retired Congressmen and Senators from receiving speaking fees, gratuities and gifts.
    On a bright note: Boehner is out of Ohio and out of Washington DC.

  5. A jellyfish has more spine than that sniveling worm. I would cringe every time there was a news shot of him with that goofy loping walk, rolled up papers in hand, down some hallway in the capital followed by that gaggle of ass kissers behind.

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