It’s getting tense out there- guns drawn – IOTW Report

It’s getting tense out there- guns drawn

ht/ tony

31 Comments on It’s getting tense out there- guns drawn

  1. BLM/Antifa own the streets of Portland. What the hell did he think he was going to accomplish by himself, with a hand gun, around a bunch of bad guys that are much heavier armed? Unless he was prepared to come out firing, expecting to be on a suicide mission he just needed to get out of Portland.

  2. The old man driver should have come out shooting, what with those rifles already pointed at him. “Officer, I was defending myself, I feared for my life”
    Or just run over everybody to make a getaway.

    Suggested tactic: cover/remove/modify license plates before going out driving, less chance of ID on the street if ya have to run somebody over.

    But I DEFNITELY like Brad’s idea. Not sure if my rifles could do 1000 yards, but 100-200 yards from a rooftop……….let the games begin.

  3. Wheeler doesn’t have the balls to do what needs to be done, which is go hard on these domestic terrorists. Fine, use non-lethal rounds, but bean bags and rubber bullets as well as tear gas need to be authorized to disburse these crowds. These are clearly not “peaceable assemblies.”

  4. “Never draw unless you’re gonna shoot; never shoot unless you intend killing the sonofabitch.”
    Don’t remember who said it, but it’s good advice for our time.

  5. In the old USMC, M-14 era, one of our qualifying distances was 500 yards. I could shoot 10s (bullseyes) all day long from prone position with open metal sights (meaning no scope). Longest range around here is 200 yards. That’s not even a challenge with good glass (meaning scope). There was nothing bright about the guy in the video. Leave the scene. Better yet, since the “scene” has been in the news for a year, leave the state.

  6. @ Hambone MAY 7, 2021 AT 4:23 PM

    It doesn’t take any of that. It takes a weapon that will fire a round with enough impact force at 1000 yards to kill, and practice.

    Now special weapons or glass needed.

  7. If the Police won’t do anything.. they we should start taking Antifa and BLM out and if the Police try to arrest you for doing what THEY should have been doing.. then the Police should receive the same punishment as Antifa and BLM!

  8. Sniping is the least path of resistance. It requires a good range finder, a ballistic app, a quality rifle chambered at the minimum 308, preferably Creedmoor, and a Front Focal Plane Scope. Have fun.

  9. Don’t believe I could hit a barn at 1000 yds.
    Probably couldn’t even see it!

    Guess I’ll have to keep my sniping at around 100 yds.

    izlamo delenda est …

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