It’s Getting WORSE BY THE DAY!! – IOTW Report

It’s Getting WORSE BY THE DAY!!

25 Comments on It’s Getting WORSE BY THE DAY!!

  1. Just thinking out loud here.
    Is it possible that Biden is feigning being incompetent, mumbling and stumbling so as to reduce the credibility of arguments saying he is running a criminal enterprise to enrich himself and his family? Certainly he’s not cognitive enough to engineer the biggest scam in US history.

    Is it possible that he’s good at playing dumb?

    Just wondering.

  2. It’s been getting worse for over 40 years
    I invite anyone to look up the Clarence Thomas
    confirmation hearing for proof of incapacity.
    By-Gum needs to stay in power because the
    bribes stop flowing when he leaves.

  3. this senile, deranged career mental defective & lifetime pedophile can’t even remember his last bowel movement

    … & it just happened 10 seconds ago!

  4. Demwit Joe has mastered being a deceptive manipulative cretin, but his persistent senility symptoms, in part may be genuine. Still, he’s cognitive enough to use it to his advantage.
    When and if (big “IF”) he’s prosecuted for his crimes, you can bet his mental deterioration, real or not will be his defense.

    BTW, Demwit Joe is disliked by the Democrat leadership/oligarchy. Barry could care less about him or “Dr.” Jill. Clearly, Demwit Joe’s just a decrepit sleaze used as a tool. They don’t mind he’s a humiliation.

  5. My working theory is that the cabal is fully aware the Pedo is just a sock puppet and they are simply just rubbing our noses in the paper at this point.

    They fully intend to have Manchelle run and install the fourth/fifth term of ValJar.

    They will rid themselves of SloJoe and Commiela when convenient to both the narrative and the cause…


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